Suggestion: A voice pitch slider for our characters

It would help players sound distinct from others who use the same personality type. Plus it sounds reasonably simple to introduce!


Agree 110% (I made a comment a while ago as well: Suggestion: Voice Pitch Setting on Character Creation?) … .with little to no input/response, probably because of timing I imagine.

Especially now that I heard them put a “muffle” voice effect when wearing a masked headgear, it’s clearly very easy and ready to go for them [from technology standpoint] to add character-specific voice modulation in-game/actively during a run for all voice lines.

It’s little things like this that’d made a massive difference in the immersion, creativity and personalization as I know they want for this game, and have worked hard to try and create.

Hope more people can +1 here as well.


I agree, it would help immersion when in groups of 2+ characters using the same voice.

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Just thought of this today while playing actually, would be a great touch.

Also in favor of this. This is especially bad for veterans, as you only get two voice sets if you don’t select Cadia as your homeworld.

As always, Deep Rock proved this a viable means to extend voice variety. A driller and a gunner might be slinging the same one-liners, but not many people are arguing about them sounding the same.

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I also agree with this! I hope they will also allow us to change voices at some point as well. Seeing as how we can change body parts, surely voice modifiers wouldn’t be too farfetched? I imagine there could be some memes making a male voice ‘too high’ but in that case, they could just have it so male voices only get slightly deeper?

I feel like a lot of things we want, might not be possible because it could be seen as a ‘joke’ and I don’t think GW likes muh warhummer being ‘made fun of.’