It took an erculean effort but with enough sacrifices i made it work, a melee build that involves chainsword, laspistols and frag grenades, high skill cap, very fun, big damages, boss busters, lots of bleed
Assuming you REALLY want infiltrate I’d run it like this personally:
End nodes are NOT worth more than confirmed kill. Survivalist is easily the best aura for any build, even melee, and your team mates will thank you. If running bloodletter on chain sword I’d swap serrated for onslaught. The bleed also procs onslaught which is pretty good for your beefy single target damage with chainsword.
i see you are a man of culture aswell, i know the last nodes are not worth it for normal gameplay, ye i run bloodletter but i hardly ever use my ranged, and for the last nodes i just want maximum damage
myself ive been alternating between smoke and krak grenades , smoke are op but the other are just too much fun. middle skill though i often go entire maps not using it. its nice oo poop moment. then down the right till the penultmate node (big tough) that gets you down to rending in the middle (not sure you get to rending with both)
pair smoke with plasma / bolter , with krak take any of the usual marksman type long range option, mk 12 , vraaks, laspistol, etc
any melee wroks but im in love with hte chainsword and catachan right now that parry does sooo much damage.
also found a fun assault style build pretty good for bolter/braced its still a somewhat mellee hybrid just with windows of obscene ranged dps, take the old left hand class skill with the right hand keystone keep within the guns close range and unleash hell.
then theres the standard marksman build down the left that will one/two tap anything
its a way more versatile and intersting class now. well for me at least.
how do you use smoke, i use my bliz to save my ass when i get caught out of position, how is the smoke grenade supposed to save me, it doesn’t stun enemies, gunners and snipers keep shooting trough as if there was nothing in the way, i was hoping that would be like the Darkness spell in BG3 that would prevent enemies to shoot inside the cloud
the moment a frag grenade pop everyone get stunned, damaged and start bleeding, that is why i went out of my way to get those on my melee build
Currently it cloaks players that are standing in the smoke, similar to how the ranger’s ult in Vermintide 2 works.
im not an expert at doing this myself just seen others using them to great affect.
sometimes on the team , if were completely surrounded , the shooters have split up and theres one in every direction that sort of thing.
usually on the enemy shooters so they come out of the smoke close enough to swap to melee weapons if theres a big clump.
i see them used to split pull rooms blocking hallf a path or to shield the group from a long range group when were busy with a horde but taking fire a smoke between the two parties can keep yu safe and get them moving closer.
basically if theres a gain to be had from breaking line of sight theres a use for a smoke grenade.
just to say i saw this and im actually not sure of the answer and cant get in game to look. but i thought they kept firing blindly they just stoped hitting , not sure cant check right now
A smilar build and hellbore are literally the only reason why I would ever play vet again. Maybe plasma if I cared about the IKEA casino grind.
I’ve found few builds for Vet that kind of work.
- Basically what @alsozara posted. Focus on melee and mobility with a versatile melee weapon + handgun to deal with specials mid-horde. Also works with krak grenades.
- Build focused centered on crits and stacking rending with Accatran gun + free ammo on crit.
- “Squad Leader” a mix of 1 and 2nd tree with plasma gun and crutchsword, centered around the shout ultimate.
As mentioned, they kinda work and are playable even on Damnation / Hi-Int or Maelstorm missions.
The issue is, that:
- The first one (gives me Melee Pyromancer vibes, really) plays like Zealot after a stroke. Just take Zealot with crits/tankiness build and there you go, does the same job, but better as it has more DPS, mobility and tankiness.
- Second one get’s mopped up under the rug by psyker throwing his spark plugs at random or blasting everything with the buffed voidstrike/trauma staff.
- Third one will run out of ammo in first 5 min of any intense run and will play again like the brother from Ogryn that the family refuses to talk about.
Vet drew the short straw in the last patch.
Pretty accurate. Have to say that Recon build is strong, but it feels incredibly bad (and boring) to play.
Just pick up Shock Trooper, Rending Strikes, and Onslaught and it will mop everything. Headhunter is kind of a trap, just pick Crit Chance on it and go Infernus + Dum-Dum/Deathspitter.
Throw away Power Sword it’s crap. Use Catachan MK IV it’s much better. It gets a lot from both the melee tree and Rending Strikes. Chain Sword is also better, but Rev kills are bugged and don’t trigger Tactical Awareness and Confirmed Kill.
Those close-range appear to bugged ATM, range is 8m when it should be 15.
Not great picks till they patch 'em.
And yeah Power Sword is crap now, I prefer chainsword.
Yeah, Power Sword is crap now, but my Catachans are even crappier (thank you, progression system).
I’ve one that works good, but only with the talents from the third tree, that give you buffed melee damage.
Truth be told, I think it is just better to shelve the veteran untill he gets buffed. The gunplay with potato throwers / laser pointers isn’t worth it. The only kind-of fun build for me was “tanky commando” build with inflitrate, krak grenades, revolver and catachan sword, but other classes just do the job better if you need to carry/clutch the game.
I dislike chainswords, the ultra-long special attack where you just stand and wait to get grabbed by disabler/shot by sniper drives me crazy on intense games.
Just going mid-tree Rending Strikes the Catachan is already way better than Power Sword.
MK IV with +maniac, Rampager + Savage Sweeps. Heavy 1 one-shots dogs, flamers, deals 2k+ damage to mutant on a headshot… Light + heavy combo for horde, and shooter/shotgun groups. All this while being a suitably mobile weapon.
Heck you can parry the damn bosses including the spawn when you get good at it.
Here is my version of something similar. And because cool stuff needs a name I present to you:
Basic idea is that you take a weapon that can use Stripped Down (level 3 or 4), so Recon Lasgun, or Infantry/Braced Autogun. Couple this with duck and dive. You can run FOREVER when getting shot at and both replenish your stamina and dodge all ranged combat.
Pair this with infiltrator (with its two uses) and you can pull off all sorts of insane clutch moves. Sprint across open ground avoiding all damage and then pop infiltrate to revive a teammate or stick a krak grenade up an ogryn or monsters REDACTED.
You get fast reloads and close range quickly or sit back if needed for fire support to deal with snipers or other long range threats. You can melt armor pretty quickly with the stacks of rending and fast RoF weapons.
It doesn’t have crazy damage, but you get a lot of utility and it’s very fun.
Not to be incredibly negative, but while this sounds like a nice Meme build at this point you can just play Infiltrate Knife Zealot with Inexorable Judgment:
- Can run around gunfire as much even without Stripped down.
- Better, faster stronger.
- Has incredibly low CD on Combat Ability.
- Super good against bosses. Doesn’t even need grenades.
- Throwing Knife + Revolver for better special control.
That build can run down a map after the midpoint event and just pull all the crap into the end event ress all teammates and just deal with all that including the 2 bosses that came along. (Seen it with my own eyes)
Zealot is hyper fun… vet is not cause we lack of ammo.
Only lasgun template are somewhat fun (if you like these guns, except the helbore, I hate them).
So yes… when I play my vet, and even with always prepared, I run out of ammo pretty fast with a shotgun. I hate when “balance” changes forgive gameplays.
And here, the lack of ammos, means that lot of gameplays are not viable…
Anyways, I won’t play ranged weapon chars… looking for ammos all the time is annoying. Having to rely on melee when you want to play ranged is annoying.
I don’t say that it should not happen, I say that it should not happen all the time.
Several weapons suffer of this ammo reserve nerf. Shotgun in particular cause of the lack of ammo efficiently.
Lasgun had too much ammos… but there were guns that were already running short of ammo in high int missions… and FS has made the situation worse.
Well, for now I will only play my zealot and also the Ogryn with a melee template.
Did recon lasguns always slow you down so severely when hipfiring? It’s almost as bad just just using ADS now.
I hope they buff the hell out of Vet and nerf psykers. I’m so sick of 4 man team of psykers.
Maybe, IDK. Previously hipfiring was something you never wanted to do if you went with Recon.
BTW I don’t really care about that. What feels bad (and boring) to me is the laserpointer playstyle where you press down left-click and aim in the general vicinity of enemies until they melt.
Probably. There were times when hipfiring was the thing to do, but yeah, it wasn’t common. I’m more getting at how restrictive it makes the gun feel to use. You basically have to stop moving to fire it, no matter how you do it.
I don’t remember it feeling that bad before, but then I didn’t use it much before.
Can’t argue with that.