Great Axe:
Increased first target damage on heavy attacks, increased boss damage even more on first target.
Finally home and was able to do some cursory testing on the armored and non-armored practice dummies. Added results of the 2H Axe and 2H Hammer for comparison.
Practice Dummy (Unarmored)
2H Axe
Light Attack - 1050 to body
Light Attack - 1600 to head
Heavy Attack - 1550 to body
Heavy Attack - 2025 to head
2H Hammer
Light Attack - 1250 to body
Light Attack - 1875 to head
Heavy Attack - 875 to body
Heavy Attack - 1300 to head
Practice Dummy (Armored)
2H Axe
Light Attack - 850 to body
Light Attack - 1275 to head
Heavy Attack - 875 to body
Heavy Attack - 1125 to head
2H Hammer
Light Attack - 1000 to body
Light Attack - 1500 to head
Heavy Attack - 425 to body
Heavy Attack - 650 to head
Overall I don’t think this first target damage increase of the 2H Axe is gonna change things much. I’ll test with a boss to see if it’s improved much there, but it’s not looking good. Nothing has changed for light attack damage nor ‘cumbersome-ness’ of the weapon.
The 2H Hammer still appears to have better single target damage and wave clear.
I’ll report back with the boss damage later.
tl;dr - Update helps the charged damage of the axe. It doesn’t do enough though and there’s still a lot better options.