Paraphrasing some internet wisdom I’ve heard: well, the new vet isn’t really tough, but at least he ain’t dealing a lot of damage either.
I held back with feedback on this on purpose, as it is way to easy to jump the bandwagon. After several games on Damnation +, I am sure that vet is the worst class currently.
My hottakes: the tree is too long. The perks giving much needed survivability are too little. We have to many useless talents (extra grenade, 20 % chance for double grenade, smoke grenades, stacking tagging debuff keystone, marksman focus keystone that loses stacks when you move and so on). The squishiness and lack of mobility are not compensated by overwhelming damage either. Offence is a pretty good defence, but here we have neither.
Fact is, that for me, the best I could do with new vet, was a build that was just OK, while I have awesome builds for every other class. To add insult to injury, the build I came up with, combined the second and middle tree for a vet centered around team support and melee combat. Guns, the core element of the class, were just an addon to deal with some pesky specials or trigger the third keystone.
It’s quite sad. I liked the gunplay a lot and invested a lot of time and in-game resources in the vet, only to end with a class that is straight out not fun to play. On a side note, my sentiment to break the goddamn locks just got twice as strong due to that. The frequent meta changes mean just more grind to salvage the golden bricks.
The Marksman Focus keystone is just a meme material. The mechanic is overcomplicated, usable only somehow with infantry autoguns, where it suffers from poor ammo sustain and is just overdone (what for do I need +1000% HS damage, majority of the trash or unaromored elites dies from a burst of fire anyway and I cannot stack it on boss, unless I crouch in front of a charging Chaos Spawn). Not to mention the wonderful playstyle it forces one into, I always ended up lagging behind my team, trying to manage the stacks but losing the much needed coherency.
I’ve no solutions for this, but I can imagine, that to fully develop Veteran into the ranged weapon specialist so many players love he needs:
- Option for more survivability, be it through toughness, DR or mobility.
- Better Keystones No 1 and No 2 which currently scale very, very poorly with higher difficulites
- Possibility to get better ammo economy, not just with laser pointers.
- Shorter tree with useless talents combined into one to create at least some niche use (f.e. 20% chance for double nades + 1 extra nade) and less tax nodes.
Currently, the gunlugger ogryn feels more like veteran, than a veteran. I will not even talk about sniping snipers from 200m with kickback. Talk about sarcasm here.
I would also love to get the old sustained fire back (reload on ult), every class has some nice panic button; that was the panic button from the vet and it synergized wonderfully with almost every gun in game.