New Revolver needs changes, and some suggestions

The new revolver is still built to be a headshotting weapon with a damage spread that doubles damage on head shots, but it isn’t very good at headshotting (except with the executioner’s stance which reduces spread and recoil). Don’t let the post saying the revolver is OP fool you, you won’t be hitting all 5 shots in the head even with executioner’s stance, real chaos spawns won’t be standing still, crushers stagger after getting hit, and body shots will do a fraction of the damage shown. Slowing down to get all head shots defeats the purpose of this gun, just use the original revolver then.

This all means that the gun is very good on paper (just git gud and hit all head shots lul), but in practice it’s very much still lacking. This gun needs to have it’s base damage above the original, and it’s head shot damage well below, crucian roulette needs to be buffed, because at level 4 the blessing only gives an average of 12% increased crit chance, making it worse then just taking a 0.6 second break between shots with surgical, and again you shouldn’t be incentivised to be taking your time with this gun. The best way to buff crucian roulette imo is to increase the number of shots to 6, this increases the amount of damage you can do before needing to reload, and it increases the average crit chance of the blessing to 15%.

Edit: Also, either make the first shot in fan fire mode more accurate, or switch the fan fire mode to hip fire, and secondary fire to aim down sights, there needs to be some way to target far away enemies. This gun’s primary competition is the bolter, not the other revolver, yet it loses to the bolter in almost every aspect.


After seeing that vet post I’m questioning if it really needs buffs or if I’m just malding but it feels like it either needs 1 more bullet per load, or that it needs just slightly more base damage.

Your idea of lowering the headshot damage would definitely eliminate the veteran one-clipping bosses and further incentivize using this weapon in the fanned hammer mode where it feels like the recoil is a little random on non-vets.

For example, I mainly play psyker and have been enjoying this revolver but without scrier’s gaze active or without using an assail or two beforehand, it feels lackluster as it’s effective range feels so small in actual gameplay. I often find myself missing just one more shot’s worth of damage whenever scrier’s gaze is on cooldown. I’d like to see something done to make it feel stronger without breaking the game for veteran players if possible, it’d be interesting to see a weapon that incentivizes body shots as you mentioned.

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