NEW Premium Cosmetics Pricing without Weapons Skin too much! And again Useless Camo on Premium Weapon Skins

So the new Rotation Cosmetics cost 2100Aquila without Weapon Reskins like 90% except Ogryn Kickback , Rippergun/ Lasrifle (single Skins)

Sry but its 300 Aquila less…??? for not having all the Goodies…

This should be priced as 1800 Aquila. No Weapon Skins no Trinkets!

Next up is the powersword Skin whcih could actually look coool , but here we go again…


What the heck Guys. There is even iconography on it, why put the useless DESERT CAMO ON IT?!
Just leave the bloody steel alone!


Whats the current rotation ? (@work atm, cant check for a couple of hours)

U know Fatshark i like your Premiums in General, but the Cmo bugs me out every time on Blades especially.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE; update them at one point!

Give them Damask Pattern or something and get rid of Camo on Blades. You put work into it and have Inlays and all the Goodies, why destroy it with Bloody Camo, again!

What a waste… You cant even read anythiong on the Blade…

Now That is an good example, sadly not made in Steel color, but still, thisi is Premium how it should be!
Since you released it with the Holy Armour of Sanctitude, why not make it in Steel/ Silver like the Armor. Then its a proper fit… PLease update it to Steel/ Silver!

Again the very best example of Premium Cosmetic!

This Armor is sexy as F…
BUT, ther is no additional Color… Loincloth could have been in Inquisitorial Red f.ex.
Man im all for Silver/Steel but the CLothing is boring since its all white. Theres no Contrast sadly to it!

But was a must have for me at least! Still thnx to whomever did this beauty!
Just need to add the Shredder in Stell Color and we got Judge Dredd XD

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Although the skin is green when it is shown as blue on the image in the store.

I would honestly prefer it if models and skins were separate.
Like this pistol with the golden stuff on it, but with the option to paint it in a different color.

Same thing with the new powersword skin.
Great new model, but i would like to use it without the camo on it.

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Kasrkin Armor
Psyker Random
Holy Armor of Sanctity
Random Ogryn fetish for expensive Clothes ^^


Yes indeed, exactly what i think and suggested a while ago.
Recolor of choice but the Ornaments stay!

Yeah i agree the Models are always good or Epic, depending on whats your flavor!
I cannot imagine that a Dev who made Armor or so would like to slap on Camo, i will and cannot believe this XD!

Which one you mean?

There is only one green skin in your post.
The shredder skin.

On the depiction in the store window, the skin is blue.
When looking at the actual model, the skin is green.

ah yeah, sry man. I see. Im happy its not blue XD
So i can use it on my Vet aswell!

I would actually like the vet cosmetic if it wasnt camo and instead just Cadian green. That camo in particualr doesnt look premium to me, it looks like crap imo. But yeah that ties into the point that there is just way too much freaking camo on everything. The zealot skin looks awesome tho

Also when are we getting more backpacks… for kark’s sake we know there’s so many more from the fashion randomizer mod. I want a cadian radio!!

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I need that Cadian camo armour yesterday!

It does come in green (or rather, it will at some point):


Would have been so much better if they sold the base armour set first for premium, then sold recolour variants in the commissary (if you own the base version already).

This prevents these weird situations where I want the armour, but not the variant they are offering. I’m not handing over my real cash on a nasty camo variant.

Reminds me: Back when the game first launched, there were these long load times for skins, but you’d still beable to move around. The Caducades backpack was loading in before the pattern texture. Basic looking Cadian colour backpack, underneath the grey/black checker pattern. Its there, but I can’t use it.


I’m just waitning for this one
(probably forever for the backpack :stuck_out_tongue: )


Eeeeeeh, looks boring compare to the miniature

Zealot pants doesn’t fit this set. Also it is black on the preview, but actual model is white

Don’t know what to expect when they can’t even deliver high quality for premium cosmetics on a regular basis.


oh shite where did you get that one bro?!
Ive sen leaked but they are like half a year old. Thats one is epic!

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never seen this one either, damn thats good too


This one looks great, i’d love more chunky armor.

Really sucks that so much content for this game seems to be finished and just sitting on hold so it can be drip fed to justify the “live service” model.

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Oh, I still see that from time to time. Wish FS would get the lead out and make that base model available. The Caducades is such a nice design for a combat backpack cosmetic.

Oh, well, that’s just beautiful, but how did you get all of those pieces together? I normally count myself lucky if Fashion Randomizer gives me two items from the same set (or that look like they could be from the same set).

But eminently more practical. Those long robes would get caught in machinery, and that helmet, unmodified, is certainly going to cause problems going through doorways in makeshift underhive habs. :wink:

I’m just going to use the ones with the cuisses.

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