New Hot fix deleted all loadouts

Issue Description:
Most recent hotfix removed/deleted all my load outs on all characters.

Steps to Reproduce:
Just log in

Mission Name (If Applicable):


Player ID:

Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone:
After hotfix

Reproduction Rate:
Since hotfix


true , they are all gone.

Unfortunately this is the case for all players post-update and we’re unable to restore the deleted loadouts :frowning:

Our sincerest apologies for the inconvenience all.


At least xbox got aquilas. Well it is what it is, hopefully u fix crashes at least at some point cause so far the ones that happen the most are not fixed for 3 patches now.

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Why … i was finsihing my last build loadouts for my chars yesterday.
4 chars each with 4 builds … Why FS Why? :sob: :scream: :exploding_head:

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That would be a great moment to reward PC players with some Aquila :grin: :+1:

Actually, Fatshark should get used to paying for mistakes already, redemption, and all things.


Will this happen again or you are taking measures for future updates?

Perhaps a backup?


For real!? Is this going to keep happening? I had 5 loadouts for each character…

Why are you unable to restore them?
Your employees had access to them to be able to delete them. Find the deleted files and restore them. No file is ever truly deleted unless a format is accomplished.

As someone stated above:
Do you not have backups?
Have you taken steps to prevent this from happening again?

As a company, take responsibility for mistakes made, and correct them.

Or are your customers not dealing with a professional and reputable company?

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REALLY TIRED of recreating loadouts for all my chars. You did this to us with the new big patch - understandable with the Talent changes. But you did it again with your latest minor patch. It should have been clear to you this would happen. And happen again and again until you put some thought AND effort into preventing this from EVER happening again! And you should give us an option to locally save our loadouts so we can back them up. Hourly if necessary. Very poor oversight and coding not to catch this problem. Twice.

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I can understand your concerns and frustrations all. Please rest assured that your feedback here has been relayed internally. After speaking with the development team further about this, it’s my understanding that the loadouts needed to be deleted in order to fix a crash. However, we dropped the ball to communicate the necessity of nuking loadouts. Going forwards these shouldn’t necessarily be reset again without a forward warning.

Our apologies again for the inconvenience.


Issue Description:
Logged on today and aside from the last build I had selected, they are all gone.

This is just to make you aware, I am not the only one with this issue.

Error Displayed (If Applicable):

Steps to Reproduce:

Mission Name (If Applicable):

[Steam/Microsoft Store]

Player ID:

Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone:

Reproduction Rate:
Once - Rare (<10%) - Unusual (<25%) - Common (<50%) - Often (<75%) - Constant (100%)

Upload Supporting Evidence:
[Screenshots, recordings, links to Twitch VODs, etc.]

[PC] Paste Crash Report, or Upload Console Log & darktide_launcher.log:
[Instructions: How To Provide a Crash Report, Console Log, or darktide_launcher.log]

I had to redo ALL my loadouts twice, after the big patch and after the hotfix. That is 20 Loadouts with Weapons, Skills, Cosmetics and Poritrait Frames. I am a happy Vermintide 2 and Darktide Player with hundreds of hours in each game, but i am effin livid right now. Is this how you value our time?
Forward warning or not, if this happens again i will say goodbye to all fatshark products and never look back.

Issue Description:
Character presets (talents, loadout, and appearance) wiped. Why?
Since the update, I’ve spent several hours a day tweaking all my characters.
That’s 3 to 4 different presets per character.
Hours/days of work lost.
How do you intend to restore my work?

Steps to Reproduce:
Logged out and back in on each character. ALL presets are gone.

Mission Name (If Applicable):

[Steam/Microsoft Store]
Steam PC.

Player ID:
I have no idea what this is, nor where to find it.

Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone:
10 Oct 2023 1350hrs PST

Reproduction Rate:
Once - Rare (<10%) - Unusual (<25%) - Common (<50%) - Often (<75%) - Constant (100%)

Upload Supporting Evidence:
[Screenshots, recordings, links to Twitch VODs, etc.]

[PC] Upload Console Log & darktide_launcher.log:
[Instructions: How To Provide a Crash Report, Console Log, or darktide_launcher.log]


Just had this happen today… 5 carefully planned out loadouts/traits for Veteran, logged in today to Zero loadouts and whatever the last one I used equiped :confused:

Preeeetty annoying…can be redone now that I know what I’m doing mostly, but … like why? lol

Its more than annoying.
I played for much of the morning.
Logged out to eat lunch.
Logged back in and - GONE!

my guy, if they needed to nuke the loadouts because of crashing issues for players, do you not think that that’s their consideration of other people’s time and money? I’m annoyed too but if it means that some people can play the game properly now then it is what it is.

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My guy, these are two separate issues.

Let me put it in different terms…
If you have a water leak on the main line going to all the apartments, you repair the leak.
You don’t remove all the light bulbs, from all the apartments in the building, and not replace them.
Then you also don’t say, “Sorry. We removed all the lightbulbs from the building to fix a water leak, and we’re not returning your light bulbs.”

I’ve never heard of an MMO (where data is stored on a server/database) that doesn’t have backups.
Deleted files are never gone unless you perform a format. Find the deleted files and restore them.

Did they implement a process to prevent this from happening again?
We don’t know. Just an apology.

As a reputable company, Fat Shark should take responsibility for mistakes made, and correct them.

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Don’t worry. You did the reasonable thing here (minus forgetting to tell people in advance).

Fixing a critical crashing error > Allowing it to carry on for a few people’s convenience

I get it’s really annoying, but you do have to understand that the game working is more important than not having to do loadouts once.
The first time was obvious it would be necessary, they changed the entire game. How would you even “preserve a loadout” in that circumstance?

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