New Hot fix deleted all loadouts

To the FatShark Devs:

… honestly this is becoming par for the course from your company. I’m not even going to bother venting my complaints (as plenty of others already have here).

Y’all have been coasting by on basically two things: The Left 4 Dead game model (and to your credit, you made it better), AND the Warhammer franchise. You’ve been using the same out-of-date gaming engine since the days of Vermintide 1. Your games are the ONLY ones I know of with bugs that have never been fixed, like being able to melee through a wall or solid object (which again I bet is part of this outdated AutoDesk Stingray engine y’all are still using). You rely on free labor from the modding community to fix your bugs and general QoL that should’ve been there on release.

Pretty much, you’ve been able to get by because the gameplay is fun and your playerbase has a VERY high degree of patience.

Guess what? This is coming to an end. I can promise you that if this company ever release a fourth title that follows in the footsteps of Verm 1, Verm 2, and Darktide, said company is no more. All the Chinese cash in the world won’t bail you out of it.


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I would generally agree, except judging from the last hotfix they mostly fixed cosmetic store ‘issues’ (as usual), and still have yet to fix literal progress-breaking bugs [Veteran Scavenger Ammo Penance needed for all 3 class cosmetics is stuck for everyone right now, and for several days] XD

I still think there is a better way to do things in general, and prevent data loss for users in the process… but at least the paid cosmetics clipping issues got resolved (thank the Emperor!)

The majority of fixes was critical crashing bugs. And then they fixed one or two clipping issues.

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