“The other new weapon types include Kerillian finally getting a shield, Kruber getting a spear, Saltzpyre will be able to wield a billhook (and he’ll be able to use it to pull enemies towards him), and Sienna is getting a burning flail (or slaga, if you prefer). More weapon types obviously mean greater opportunities for different characters to fill specific roles and complement each other in more ways than before.”
Here is the link if you want to read through the whole article
The new weapons certainly sound interesting. But even though I’ve seen a lot of wishes for Kerillian to get a shield weapon, I’m not sure it fits her general style well, especially considering the shields’ current workings in the game.
I am curious whether Kruber’s spear will differ fundamentally from Kerillian’s and how the billhook and its pulling effect will work, though. I guess we’ll see in few months.
They’ve spoken about throwing axe for Bardin on Twitch I’ve seen, is it anniversary weapon or also DLC ?
Edit : mb, was said in the link it’s for this DLC.
A bit off topic but do you think we’ll see Power vs Beastmen property ?
Funny, I just made a post a billhook the other day! I even drew a concept art for one a few months ago. Totes one of the coolest weapons out there.
And yeah, Kerillian and Kruber are much more in need of ranged weapons than melee imo. Both only have 3 if you don’t count career-specific ones. Kerillian in particular lacks variety. I’s just “bow, smaller bow, poofier bow”.
I can’t complain too much, though. The new weapons all sound fun and unique.
Shield on Kerillian already sounds like a wasted opportunity. Give the most mobile character with the best dodge range in the game a shield. Yeah… no thanks.
Yep, that’s exactly why I’m suspicious about it too. It could easily break her style, and while more playstyle options is generally a good thing, it’d probably be too big a change if hers works like the other shields.
I dunno, I’m probably just salty since the elf is blatently OP and they do nothing about it. Anything they add has to compete with already some of the best weapons in the game.
You mean Salty is OP. Zealot is god mode right now…
The shield on elf could work, perhaps it will be a shield and spear. Or even if it’s something else, the stamina regen on HM would make the class interesting with a shield. You could build for really high stamina regen and block range. And since the HM already has increased dodge distance, the shield could work just fine.
Yeah zealot is unkillable in normal combat, just doesn’t have that tasty invis for those disabler moments. I’m looking at it from a mainly true solo perspective so a bit skewed from reality. In normal group play zealot is obscene.
I’m salty about elf but you seem salty about salty inception salt
Not at all. I just did the 100 clears for Zealot and WHC over the past 3 weeks. And both classes are absolutely amazing. I had tons of fun playing them. But to say that Elf is blatantly over powered and not take into account Zealot seems a bit of an oversight.