New crafting system won't solve anything

Huh? Where did they say normal shop function was going away? I thought we were just getting an additional option where we can request a specific item and get a grey base. Have I misread something?

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The fact that they made a solution for this exact problem that works wonderfully in the weave crafting and then went back to it being a problem tilts me to no end.


None but few played weaves, so system wasn’t used, so Fatshark forgot it existed or considered players had no interest in it?

Tbh i don’t remember positive feedback about athanor, maybe it was drowned into negative feedback about Weaves as a whole DLC. But Fatshark it seems don’t care about good things they’ve done. Athanor? Who cares. A Quiet Drink map? Only for event or in moded realm. Nurglings? Only for event. New Halloween weather effect? Only for event.

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They eventually folded in random weather and time of day for maps that really did a big job in changing the feel of the maps up quite well, but it would have been nice 3 years prior.

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Tbh, they did not hide it from us as the game has been released the november 30th of 2022 and the crafting blog explaining the system they wanted has been published the november 22th… so before the release.

When you check the blog from november 22th and the one from Catfish published february 9th, the only difference is the removal of the fuse/combine system replaced by, what I call, the “blessing library”.

So, I don’t understand… Does this mean you have not read anything before buying the game? The current system is not a surprise.

I can understand the bad feelings about the delay between what they had announced (december 2022) and the delivery of crafting (by the end of february… I wait to see it live).
However, the bashing of the so called “new” system… is not justified cause it is not a “new” system, but something described before the release of the game.

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Nitpicking the use of the word ‘new’ in this thread won’t change how bad it overall is still.

no it doesn’t change that customers have been informed of what crafting would be in this game BEFORE the release.
You’re right…

Won’t solve anything for me since I still randomly crash during normal missions. What’s the point of a crafting system (which is three months late anyway) when I cannot even play?

And you’re right to complain about this.
I believe that stability is the next thing they have to work on… and I believe they continue to work on it (by example, see the AMD announcement).

This is what I refer to as submitting essentially the same thing.

We the players do not want that time wasting, RNG based, system.

My brother, we were all complaining about crafting before release and their response has been to triple down on it.

The fact that it’s not really “new” doesn’t mean we shouldnt be complaining, it is in fact the reason why we are complaining.

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And you’re right to express yourself about this… As you did not say it in every thread created on this forum.
The problem is more about:

  1. repeating same arguments in all threads, even when the word crafting is not here
  2. thinking the new system cannot address problems, even without testing it
  3. wanting FS to change a system that they stated they have chosen to implement. This doesn’t mean that the community could not come back on this topic later and ask again several changes (maybe with a poll)… however, actually they don’t want. So no need to repeat and repeat and repeat. I don’t talk about you, but about people that keep repeating that everywhere
  4. there are more possibilities that FS accepts to introduce a change that will lower the frustration resulting from one feature if you proprose something that respect their choices. When members of the forum (cause they don’t play actually, so that’s not “players”) ask a change entirely the system, there is small chances that it happens…

Sidenote: now that we have a crafting system, I really believe that FS priorities should be stability and more content.

1/ Since we aren’t getting any return from fatshark telling us we are heard.
Since Fatshark in their last devblog copy pastaed the devblog from November…

2/Thing with design, is that you can draw from past experiences to course correct.
Fatshark has experience with now multiplegames with crafting in which those systems were never deemed good and were mostly regarded as an annoyance.
Additionally there are many other games to look at for competent crafting systems.
There is no shame in getting inspiration somewhere else.
There are also many Player Theories a competent designer can draw from to identify if his designs will stick to the wall

3/This is essentially wanting to do the same work twice.
Working in a game company, I can tell you this works for placeholders, not in a released product.
Again, repeating is because Fatshark would rather aknowledge a guy who has a phobia of sharks asking for an intro skip, than the problems affecting a way larger chunk of the very quickly disappearing player base.

4/The way the players will respect FS’s choices is by voting with their feet.
If loot/crafting is a MAJOR issue, and it takes them 2 months to come up with no solution when solutions exist, then they are either not doing it properly or unwilling to deviate from said initial design no one likes or has ever liked.
Being vocal has more chances of bringing change than not communicating at all.

Sidenote: But see… we DO NOT have a crafting system. We’ve been waiting for it since November the 22nd.
And we still do not have a set date.

I appreciate the respect you have used in your post, but it comes off as whiteknighting and condescendance…

But we don’t have a crafting system yet. And the entire playerbase has been vocal about not wanting the crafting system that they have in place.

Hell, people who have been playing since VT1 have been making the same complaints for a decade.

What good has come of it has only come with the repeated insistance that Fatshark has designed a shitty, exploitative system. I dont know if you’ve been following Fatshark for a decade, but most of us have and there’s no way what they are introducing isn’t a huge step back.

Only a fool says “Well, they’ve been screwing up and lying and following the same awful cycle for ten years… but maybe this time, they’re right and all of us are wrong!”

The only way to change this game for the better is to push. Hell, Fatshark is literally asking for, and thanking us for, our feedback. If we’re supposed to give them a chance, that relationship has to go both ways or we can all leave and play something else.

Which, to be fair, most of us have.


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