Needs more content, so.. when?

I’ve been on a break from DT since March and was hoping to see a lot more content added than just two maps…

How’s that “New class every 3 months” deal going? Seems they are behind 2 classes at this point.

Also, GUNS! We want more pewpew.

Happily, for me at least, the game is much more stable now.

I know they’re on summer vacation at this point, but I really hope they come back guns blazing so to speak and release at lot of new content at the end of summer.


Two things.

They didn’t come out guns blazing after the launch, after their winter holiday or after they’ve lost over 90% of their active playerbase.



Frozen back in January

Next Comm Link is supposed to be on the 27th


jesus christ…please no more weapon VARIANTS…


Well, at least the scab snipers managed to get their hands on long-las…

I agree, was hoping for actual new weapons, like a Meltagun.


My face when “Beta” bros wasted all their time writing good feedback and having none of it get acknowledged.


I know they’re on summer vacation at this point, but I really hope they come back guns blazing so to speak and release at lot of new content at the end of summer

Hope is the first step on the road to dissapointment.

I’ve been there too.

I am still checking the forums every now and then, but the game remains shelved as the current gameplay is rotten to the core with curse of RNG.


New content? Best i can do is elite resistance


Best I can do is a 8 change patch notes that essentially changing an excel spreadsheet ever so slightly.

Balance? Ha. Never heard of that.

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Cosmetic store seems to be the focus of their content…

2 maps with reused graphical assets and look same as other missions.

2-3 months will be another holiday.

Then come back to Jan 2024 and confused why the game didn’t do well after all those holidays?

The 2 skull maps barely use the same set pieces as their respective ones.

And the cosmetic store is on another time than patches .

Atm we only had 1 patch without content since the last content one (skull) and even that one (June) still brought a big thing, Crossplay, even if as a Steam user it’s not really something that I would have noticed

Failed to fix game before summer, probably will fail to fix it before Сhristmas.


I mean, it did get acknowledged.
But acknowledgement and putting it into practice are still two different things. :smiley:

To be fair, new modifiers are always welcome. But it should be more impactful. Feels the “Elite” in Elite Resistance is missing.

Yeah, it’s not like nothing is getting done. Game is slowly progressing. Just not at the speed you’d be used from an AAA studio.


That’s the nicest thing you’ve said to me. And that was after I was rude to you that one time from a while ago. Why thank you.


“i hope the devs can come back from their summer break ready to kill, guns blazing”

“i also hope the same devs can pick up their s**t and act together”

Fatshark really thunder-f*cked their game huh.

A rough launch is one thing, but a slow fix speed compounded that so much worse.

I’m assuming at this point that they are holding a ton of content back for a soft relaunch with the xbox release that will include 4 new classes, with class specific weapons for them, and a bunch of new enemies including plague bearers. My assumption is mainly because I’d have to assume this game is dead otherwise : v


well said but obviously its gonna be a reach

Honestly, this should be a game with 10-15k players per night with peaks in the 20ks. The Coop survival games are reasonably popular and the 40k universe is much more popular than WFB ever was.

Instead cooporate greed made them launch a year too early, in a nearly unplayable state, with half the content it should’ve had.

This game could’ve been their cash cow, instead I’m worried it might not live out the year.


At this rate, we’re gonna get a “comm link” a year by 2024.