Need some real story telling

I have 4 character level 30. Levelling was OK, I play it. Now that this is finished I don’t really see the point of continue playing. Getting Better Gear is pointless as new skin if there is no reason to fight.

But first some general consideration :slight_smile:
_ I would like to be able to choose a range of difficulty or any difficulty for quickplay because sometime I don’t really care, just want to help.
_ I’d like more slot for the character (at least 8).

So now on the storytelling :

It is very boring and you don’t have any action on it (at least in vermintide you kind of progress in the story). But what I need is a reason to fight. Helldiver is quite fun as the mission offered are part of a real war all player are playing, so at least you can think you are playing a kind of campaign. I think that some kind of global goal that affect the following battle can help create some motivation to fight.

Though I understand we do a game loop but we want some interaction with the Inquisitor, as someone said that NPC give mission to achieve some success and so on.

Globally, I am quite happy of the game but don’t really find a motivation to comeback fight with other because no special goal or things to achieve. Weapons are not a goal nor an end but a mean to an end.

I have some problem with the notion of level of weapon. Somewhat break the illusion of realism but quite secondary to the notion of being onvolved in something.


Yeah I agree
We need some real story telling
And a warhammer horror style story maybe

I’m embarrassed for Dan Abnett to have his name attached to this game.

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I feel the same buddy

I think they can make this story setting in plain plaguewar and pulling out some warhammer horror style creepy stuff so we can actualy have a decent survival horror game

I feel like they went into this with lots of ideas and ambition and then they had to cut 60% of what they have developed because they ran out of time/money.
I can’t imagine that Dan Abnett (or anyone with a little creative spark) would come up with a story this shallow if this can even be categorized as a story.
The “create your own character” sounded fun at first, but it is not doing it for me that much, I think the Vermintide approach was better when we were given fleshed out characters that interacted with each other and the environtment, and you could design cinematics around them.
Now, if your background is ‘I am from an agri planet’ and you load into a level with cramped spaces your character will commen: ‘I don’t like this very much’.
This is sadly not doing it for me.
I like the fact that you can customize your character and I REALLY like the fact that you can bring the same class multiple times unlike in Vermintide, but I think it would be better if instead of choosing homeworld, growing up, defining moment etc. it would be just the voice choice with an already defined character behind it and than you could implement better stories and interactions with the characters.

Such a privileged person you are, not being satisfied with your character kneeling in front of NPCs for 20 seconds while being told to do better several times in a row. How can you not like this masterpiece of storytelling? /s

He literally just did the world building. He was never writing the full story for Darktide.

I actually prefer to run my own character (but they have tone of precreated character so why not have choice, choice is better). But I do think that the character creation is not really impacting the game experience as good as it could be.