Need more heresy with high intensity hordes in the mission selection

So after reaching level 30 and trying pretty much everything to do on zealot the most fun missions to run are heresy with more hordes by far.
You constantly get overwhelmed but your not just getting instantly team wiped if you get a bad round of spawns.
The enemy’s have enough health to not just be mowed down so they become dangerous to deal with and the range units are not so dangerous that your forced to hide all the time.
It’s also actually fun to just run pubs with out just suffering at this level.

Give us more heresy missions you normally have 1 or 2 and with every rotaion and rarely with more hordes mod.
More people are hitting level 30 and damnation is not fun to just pub on

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Honestly…lowkey think there should be only 1 difficulty 1 or 2 mission. or just add more idk. There needs be more diff 4 or 5 if you’re going lock 2 for every mission.

Here I am feeling I only play high intensity games on Heresy and in general.

All Heresy maps without modifiers are still in high intensity.