My v1.2.x impressions... so far

I want to share my impressions about v1.2.x of the game so far.

The melee combat has been quite improved, and it is enjoyable (at least for me).

On high difficulty level, armor piercing weapons rule. The others may be interesting and/or exotic, but piercing ones make the match quite easier.

One rare exception can be flamesword. It ignores the shields but the damage is very limited and quite difficult to care about the armored foes.

The physic engine has been improved, but a flaming monster like sienna unchained still doesn’t emit any light in the darkest sections… The same problem with all the flaming weapons…

Chaos foes are still moving, jumping and climbing more like skavens than like humans. Ok there are corrupted but they are still human.

On the player frustrations side, there is still need of some more work.

Spawn system on Legend (and sometimes also in Champion) should be really improved, to avoid game-over situations. For example, monsters should be banned in close environments such as corridors, mountain paths, … in which players are usually overrun by it, a horde, 3-4 specials… an experience more frustrating than a game crash.

Also final rewards shall be tuned. It happen salutary that you simply cannot get the emperor package. My personal record is a general package after having collected: 3 tomes, 2 grims, 2 extra dice.

My impression this may be caused by my personal match stats.
This is bad for 2 main reasons. The first one is players are pushed to impede the team mates in the try to get more kills. The second reason is that support characters are quite penalized.

Another weird thing is that they are not caring about the map, what you faced, … and so on. The final reward of a Skittergate map (1-2 monsters, 1 miniboss, 2 final bosses) may be equal to a normal shorter map without any bosses and/or monsters.

Personally I find the final reward screen a bit annoying… Maybe it can be speed up.

The equipment related UI (armory & crafting) is still very basic.
Red item icons have the same background color than the orange ones.
There is no ‘easy-life’ options at all… no preferred items, no trashbin, no special care about aestetic items…
On the craft side, when you want to change properties, you are going to select the same item again and again…
You cannot salvage all items (weapons and trinckets) below 300 and the orange quality, sort them in any way…

The weapons description is still quite insufficient. The example of flamesword shines… it can ignore shields, but it isn’t described at all. You may test them with dummies, but honestly it is quite boring, and it can be misleading.

About the DLC, I like it. The maps are great and visually better (more colored) than the ‘basic’ ones.

My only disappointment is that they are only 2 (vs 3 of the first 2 DLCs of V1), and the end of the second map is quite ‘plain’.

Imagine to discover our priest-friend (the runesword keeper) transformed into a horrific monster.
The final mission may have being splitted in 2 different missions: one to discover his fate, and one to care about him.

Some of the DLC map challenges are simply a nonsense (the bottles one, …), since we can have purple boxes also by the week challenges.


completing skittergate grants you 3 loot dice, which means that if you run a full book map, you only need ranald to grant you 25% of a full bar, to get a emp vault.
the rest of the lord maps give you 2 dice. i actually like this change very much honestly (they didn’t drop any dice a long time ago), and i feel that it is worth the reward.

they changed this to make the colour difference more obvious now

You use a mod that makes them green I imagine that’s not from FS.

You can now favorite items by pressing F that will sort them in at the beginning of the inventory and remove them from the salvage screen.

Sadly yes

They have their own inventory tab unfortunately non challenge hats are salvageable for some reason. (fav them)

If you use the controller UI that won’t be the case anymore. (Use it it looks better as well)

I hope these live hacks help you :wink:

green? orange loot has a light orange background. i’ll screenshot when i get back home from work

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You need to draw the monster out into more open ground… in the cases were this is harder, like the start of into the dark or convocation of decay, there is usually a looped passage nearby where you can tank them around, a couple of bosses can be tanked to a stand still, with 1 or 2 good players depending on the agro switch.

This is not the case, you can join right at the end of a game and still get an emperors vault, or just sit back and do nothing for the run and get one too, (as long as you don’t get kicked that is.) Playing shade and just defending the mage on a map where no bosses showed up, I’ve had emperors vaults.
I strongly recommend using quick-play for the bonus if you want to get more emperor’s vaults, I feel like I get a split of about 50/50 emperors/generals rewards, Warcamp, Into the nest, Halescurge and skittergate would be higher percentage if you get a full book run.

I am afraid that many of the feature you are talking about are implemented into a mod you are using.

I am talking about the unmodded game, and the fact, you are using mods to fill the gap of the UI missing feature underlines the need of UI improvements. :slight_smile:

You need to draw the monster out into more open ground… in the cases were this is harder, like the start of into the dark or convocation of decay, there is usually a looped passage nearby where you can tank them around, a couple of bosses can be tanked to a stand still, with 1 or 2 good players depending on the agro switch.

This isn’t always possible. Actually a monster may pop up in places where you simply don’t have this option, because you are far away from an ‘open’ area, for instance.

One if my worst low-blow encounter is a stormvermin patrol popped up in the dark area of the troll mines, during a horde, an flame-thrower rat ogre, and several specials…

This is not the case, you can join right at the end of a game and still get an emperors vault, or just sit back and do nothing for the run and get one too, (as long as you don’t get kicked that is.) Playing shade and just defending the mage on a map where no bosses showed up, I’ve had emperors vaults.
I strongly recommend using quick-play for the bonus if you want to get more emperor’s vaults, I feel like I get a split of about 50/50 emperors/generals rewards, Warcamp, Into the nest, Halescurge and skittergate would be higher percentage if you get a full book run.

I usually play quick missions (legend or champion) … and a couple of days ago, I hit 2 new personal records about missing emperor chests:

  • quickmission + 3 tomes + 2 grims + 3 extra dice (I missed it by a good half bar)
  • quickmission + 3 tomes + 2 grims (i missed it by a 1 or 2 pixels into 1920x1080)

Even if I liked the addition of extra dice, this means that their weight is near to nothing for the final reward level.

In addition, the new ‘rolling’ screen gives the bad impression that you always reach the emperor level by the ‘skin of your teeth’. Personally I prefer the V1 one. At least it was faster.

My impression here is that you should be more lucky than skilled to get a good reward package.

Favoriting items is part of the base game (press F when the wanted item is highlighted). That puts them at the beginning of the list when selecting equipment, and prevents them from showing up in the Salvage screen. Console UI can also be enabled from the Options on PC, even when using KB&M, and at least some (many?) people prefer that.

And Cosmetics (aside from Illusions) can be viewed from their own place, and favorited as well. It’s just separated almost completely from the normal inventory view, only leaving them visible in Salvage.

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You can do all of it too no mods required.


I’ll start with these are your impressions, I’m not saying they are anyway better or worse than mine, I’m just offering counter opinions. I’m also ignoring bug related problems…

I can’t think of one off the top of my head, the worst I can think of is convocation of decay in the starting corridor, and you can kite back to the library room. 1 player can hold the attention of most bosses, the hardest one to Tank is the bloody storm-fiend as its target swapping…

Sure there will be times when you manage to spawn all four of the worst encounters are the same time, horde/patrol/monsters/specials. but if you want to learn the maps a little better and the timings (not that my groups do) you can pretty much ensure that you never spawn a monster in a horde/patrol. (There are also timers on the special spawns.)

There are places where you can force enemies to come at you one or 2 at a time. (There are places where they just cant reach you, though I tend to avoid using those.)

And yes occasionally you will wipe, a player gets patrol agro or the game will spawn specials that just suck for where you are. But the game should win too. On a good day we wipe perhaps 1 in 6 legend runs, on a bad day we’d wipe 5 in 6 runs. on average I’d say it’s about 1 in 4 bad runs.

The game is supposed to be difficult on legend.

That first one might have seemed like that, however it’s unlikely it was that visually apparent, 4 loot dice + all book run = emperors reward and Ranald can suck it. (you scored a 1 in 6 chance of getting a generals result.)
The second is irritating fact of life. I’d agree with you on the drawn out bit on a sucessful roll that just sucks.

Gamepedia has a good article on how the rolls work. Loot explained. Their weight is low, but 2 or 3 of them is not insignificant.

I really don’t recall it being faster, it listed out everything and then the dice rolled and spun a bit then the bar moved. I have noticed that sometimes some players in the game progress though the loot (and end) screen faster than others.

If we consider the chest the reward and exclude the part where you open it, getting rewards in verm 1 was more frustrating for me, there’s that bloody weapon I want, and there I go missing it again… (not to mention that rewards were class locked.)

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