My Rework suggestion for whole Gear Progression System in Darktide. 3 Pillars: Rewards, Player Agenda, Ways to Guarantee Goals. Mechanics to offset and replace RNG

So here is how I would do it. Now, bear in mind, further changes/tweaks might be needed later down the line but it would give us good base to reward players for progressing their skill, giving them way for their own agency, keeping the loop of play->get reward->reward gives you resources->use resources to progress gear/experiement->play more to get more rewards to get more resources to eventually be able to craft your perfect gear.

  1. At end of the missions you get guarantee 7 items: 2 curios, 5 weapons (higher chance of higher rarity with higher difficulties). Lower chance of duplicates for mission rewards (so low chance of getting all 5 Power Swords). You can choose 1 Curio, 1 Weapon from that Reward Window. You can also do Compare to your equiped gear.

  2. RNG store items count is increased to 30. It’s additional bonus way to get high roll or blessings, but not the main one. And a way to use your coins to buy items for salvaging for craft mats for other features so all materials loop with each other.

  3. The base roll of mission items rewards (the stats only) quality depends on difficulty (max roll is 380 right now on base stats): for example diff 1 min. roll is 300 for weapons, diff 2 min roll is 320, diff 3 min roll is 340, diff 4 min roll is 355, diff 5 min roll is 365. So the higher difficulty you play the more chance you have for high rolled weapons. Simillar stuff for curios.

  4. Curios and Weapons can be salavged for crafting mats, amount depends on rarity (higher: more).
    This way even later down the pipe end-mission rewards will give you something to use for other stuff.

  5. Crafting allows you to craft your own white-to-orange weapons for better chance of getting blessings we want or just weapons we are unlucky to get from missions or RNG store. Don’t worry, you can progress them.

  6. Crafting allows you to reroll/combine/upgrade all perks/blessings etc. as much time as you want anytime you want without any increasing cost, just base cost from crafting mats you get from missions or salvaging gear. Cost to be determined so it’s high enough so you need time to get materials but not unfair so you’d have to no-life to play with all weapons you would like to.

  7. Introduce Shire of the Omnissiah where you can for high craft mat price + coin price (to add coin sink) manipulate base stat roll of items to increase/decrease them (for example 60% damage and 80% mobility becomes 80% damage and 60% mobilty by you deducting for cost 20% from mobilty and adding 20% to damage etc till maximum of 380 base roll among all stats eventually) as ultimate resource sink so eventually even if you are not lucky or play only lower difficulties you can get max high base rolls on items you want. At shrine you can also reroll for mats your perk values on weapons and curios and either take new roll or stick to old one if your roll was unlucky (so you eventually always progress), just like in Vermintide 1.

  8. Echange of Plasteel to Diamentite 3:1 in Crafting so you are not forced to farm difficulties you don’t want.

  9. Final change: resources are shared among all your characters.

This would be all a starting point from which we could move tweak/add/reduce/adjust everything down the line.


Fantastic feedback. This concept that you’ve proposed is already far more friendly to the player than the time wasting RNG nonsense that we currently have in Darktide. Hopefully Fatshark looks at this and gets inspired to create a better system for loot progression.


Some very good ideas in here; I don’t understand why they’ve baked in so much RNG as it stands.

You can’t get this stuff with real money (thank god)… maybe they think people will be online for more farming items and checking the RNG shop, and therefore more user engagement, and therefore more MTX sales? Seems like a big stretch. Maybe it’s just bad design.

Also - is it supposed to be ‘Pillars’ in the title? and

I’m guessing this is supposed to be Shrine of the Omnissiah - not the place where the Omnissiah goes to hang out with their hobbit pals. What a cross-over that would be.


While point 1. sound a bit excessive (I would balance this with lower crafting costs or similar and just award something like 1-4 items), I like your points overall quite well!

Especially point 9 would be a real praise to the Omnissiah!

What?? The Shire would be so lit! In the books the orcs even build industry there in the end - so the Omnissah would have a place to stay! =D

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Ah, yes, sorry, I am not native speaker. I will fix it :slight_smile:


Don’t worry - your English is far better than most English people’s :wink:

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I agree with this system. It is much better than the current system that we are all dealing with.
I want the perk system to be swappable equipment. Buy the perks I want & upgrade them.

Good ideas. It must’ve taken you three years or more to come up with this stuff!

It was immeasurably complex :stuck_out_tongue: