My Hate Letter to Trappers and their Entire Existence

If trapper nets collided with enemy units they’d hardly be a threat. And ghost nets are a real thing anyhow :smiley:

I know there are sound issues with the game right now, but the vast majority of trappers that spawn are still very telegraphed. From spawn to approach to readying to firing the gun, there are distinct cues.

What might be nice is if a trapped player dropped aggro, alleviating the helpless feeling you get by being poxwalker’d to death.

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My suggestion is that a Trapper should ONLY go for their Webber when there is nothing between themself (including cover, enemies, walls, etc.) and the player, that way if said player manages to let the Trapper get close enough to bag them, it is the player’s fault.

I can get behind that.


I don’t mind them shooting through hordes, but my big pain point is trappers shooting through a bulwark or crusher. It boils down to: “If they can shoot me, I should be able to shoot them.”


I feel your pain with trappers on a spiritual level, they are my number one most hated enemy in darktide and I’m glad to see another post bringing up this issue so it doesn’t get forgotten.

I completely agree that trapper nets should be blocked by every terrain feature they collide with. It seriously feels like a forgotten bug when the net goes through a fence or railing. But I’ve beat that point to death in other posts. More importantly, I think the trapper shouldn’t even fire that net to begin with. If there is something blocking line of sight between the trapper and her target like that, then I believe she should reposition to find a proper line of sight that the net projectile actually fits through before firing.

This extends to enemies as well. I still think trapper nets shouldn’t just phase through unlimited enemies on it’s way to the player, but I know lots of people think the trapper would be too easy to deal with if poxwalkers could block the net.

The best compromise that we’ve landed on in the past in my opinion is the suggestion that the net should knock enemies out of the way as it flies towards the player like a dog or mutant does, and also knock enemies out of the way while the player is being dragged after they’ve been captured. This would allow you to at least see the net coming and make space for a possible dodge, and it would give your teammates a small window to rush in and save you. However this new net shouldn’t just be able to knock over unlimited enemies, it should be affected by enemy hitmass and only be able to push through a certain number of enemies.

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