My game crashes when all players ready up in the lobby, what do I do?

Issue Description:
Ever since I’ve bought the game on Steam I have yet to actually load into a mission. I boot up the launcher and log into the game, I can log into my character and actually get into lobbies but when all players ready up one of three things happen.

  1. My game seizes and crashes
  2. I get to the mission loading screen then my game seizes, then crashes
  3. I get kicked out of the loading screen due to server/Internet connection and given a prompt to reconnect. If I reconnect, my game crashes. If I don’t reconnect and try to load back into the mourningstar, I crash.

I believe it may have something to do with my launcher since it’s not like the usual launcher that’s supposed to start the game. It’s this weird barren grey screen that only has play and setting buttons. If I run the game on admin then I get a luncher with the current patch splash screen and news tab. But the buttons are still bugged. Both launcher boot up full screen for some reason.

Error Displayed (If Applicable):
Sometimes I run into error 2014

Steps to Reproduce:
Boot up launcher
Log into game
Load into mourningstar
Search for game and enter lobby
All players ready up
Game then seizes and crashes
Or game will kick you out due to server issues and prompt reconnecting.
Reconnect and then game will seize and crash

Mission Name (If Applicable):


Player ID:

Reproduction Rate:
Constant (100%)

Upload Supporting Evidence:
[Screenshots, recordings, links to Twitch VODs, etc.]
Launcher ran normally:

Launcher ran as admin:

[PC] Paste Crash Report, or Upload Console Log & darktide_launcher.log:
[Instructions: How To Provide a Crash Report, Console Log, or darktide_launcher.log]

Please could you share both your console logs and darktide_launcher.log with us?

Unfortunately, I deleted my fatshark data folder as I saw online somewhere that I could of solved my issue(I think with something about the game rebuilding files or something) so I don’t have the crash reports from those attempts. But I will recreate this crash and report it back to you shortly.