Everyone knows that modifiers like hunting grounds, extra poxbursters and pox gas are some of the most fun modifiers in the game, so I thought of some mutators that could be fun to add to havoc mode:
Extra trappers - no brainer, would add a lot of challenge and replayability
Enemy merging - enemies could merge together and adopt attacks from both of them, for example a sniper merging with a poxburster would not only have silent attacks from the poxburster, but also explosive rounds that deal high damage
Power overload - Smite generates significantly more peril
Smaller dogs - dogs are way smaller but can still disable you and are harder to push off: think chihuahuas not pitbulls
Daemonhost patrols - weakened daemonhosts should spawn as regular enemies in patrols of 10+ like maulers and crushers
Silent but deadly - all enemies are completely silent, could be fun when combined with the lights out modifier
Brittle bones - doing too many heavy attacks can break your characters arms so they can’t attack for 2 minutes
Bulwark bonanza - spawns extra bulwarks that deliberately organise themselves into a phalanx formation
Khorne’s Bloodlust: The amount of violence on Atoma has attracted the influence of Khorne. Everything, players and enemies alike, takes double damage.
Tainted Stimm Shipment: Significantly more stimms spawn. Stimms gain double effect, but corrupt 10% health with each use. Fewer health stimms spawn in proportion to others.
Tzeentchian Twins: Same effect as in VT2.
Borrowed Time: Nurgle’s corrupting influence is stronger than ever. You will lose maximum HP over time, which can only be slowed with Beacon of Purity. Reach preset checkpoints within the level to regain lost HP.
Weak Grip On Life: -1 wound to all players. If you would have 1 wound from this, Healing Stimms only regenerate 50% maximum HP.
Black Eye: All sources of toughness regeneration other than melee kills are disabled. Melee kills replenish twice as much toughness.
Frenzied Hordes: All enemies gain the pox-gassed buff.