Mutants and Plague Orgys tossing players

I’ve seen some very crazy things in this game, but recently I’ve experienced the most unfair gameplay yet. When grabbed by a mutant or orgyn and they throw you, there’s a good chance they will throw you into danger. Since the update, I and my teammates have been thrown into a demonhost, trapper, Flammer and now pox bomber. Needless to say, your life expectancy is very limited at that point. Getting thrown off the map is fixed, now please let these opponents toss you somewhere else.

On a side note: Please optimize the graphics so game play is smoother!

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but what would then be the danger of a mutant? 3 bonks on the head is hardly damage and if you’re butt against the wall or object, it throws you right away.

same with plague ogryn, his strikes do little damage and are easily dodged.

so his thread rears from the capability to knock several people to their doom.

happened to my buddy 2 rounds ago, totally fine cause placements is important.

in my opinion, you take that away you substract a lot of movement and positioning from the game and make it more boring.

personally i accepted mutants hurling me to my doom in the early days. same as dogs and netters, if not taken off you quick enough it f’s you up.


You have not seen what are mutants were capable of in pre-launch-beta…
(They were able to throw you off the map)

And about Ogryns, they can throw you? I mean, they can push you, yes, but I mean…
THE tip I have for not being pushed to danger by P. Ogryn, is being aware of your surroundings.

PRO TIP: Do not stay near any edge


Man some people really do want to be nerfing the enemies into oblivion :skull:


I haven’t been shot mid-air by a sniper after a muti toss in ages, hope they didn’t take that interaction out. I believe muti is also coded to be more likely to toss you into fire if available.

Teamwork at its finest


Muties don’t do much damage themselves but the real threat is being disabled and thrown out of position. They’re programmed to throw you into danger. That’s why they’re dangerous. I recommend hitting the dodge button and killing it instead of asking for a nerf.


Not just off, but at times through the map :joy:

People will always complain about Brain Burst not instantly killing everything, too.

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Mutant: exists
@BubbaJohn : “Aaaaaaand I took that personally”

Not even. Muties are programmed to throw you opposite from the direction they grabbed you. Since most people run in a panic from the mob, the muties will turn around and throw you into the mob.

It’s 150% a skill issue. The mutant has 100% predictability for throws in every situation.

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guess he means chaos spawn, though i answered for the ogryn since his “yeet” footstomp sends you off flying for farther away usually, or rather in a more disadvantageous ark.

Mutants can also be onetapped by a lot of ranged & melee weapons as well as throwing knives.

They’re only a somewhat real treat when they arrive in packs of 10 while you have a mass dog/poxburster/crusher+ chaos spawn/bomber situation going. And by that point you’ve already f’d up if you can’t clean that up and deserve the loss.


though i enjoy ogryn ballet while whistling that particular music when dancing around a bunch of em.

or sometimes me get in the mood for torro olé.

kickback with 25% maniac makes short work, those spawning in groups already have lower health pool, big boom is… well… boooom and lately i felt a strange attraction to the bully club I, having ignored it for the longest time.

bully boes bonk.

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