Multiplayer not possible due to connection timeout

Has anybody that’s experienced this figured out a solution? I can’t join any games, nobody can join my game. Every single time I attempt to join I get ‘connection timeout’. No other game in my steam library has connection issues. I have played the first Vermintide and this one a lot but left it because it would not work. It’s been nearly six months now. I don’t have any friends that I play with to test stuff

Unfortunately, in our experience these errors are usually router-related. Are you perhaps able to connect to your mobile data, and see if the connectivity issues persist whilst under the connection of your mobile data? I appreciate that this isn’t always an option.

Thank you for the reply. I’m not entirely sure on how to do that. I’ve looked online to see how it’s done. I don’t have a lot of data so if it would use it then it wouldn’t last long. Do you know what the error with the router could be?

I got this since 1.2 is on live server
Playing other games fine but only vt 2

You’d need to enable mobile tethering (e.g. Personal Hotspot on an iPhone) on your phone, and then connect to it from your PC the same way you would with a WiFi network, assuming your PC has a wireless network adapter. You wouldn’t need to do it for long - only enough to see whether you can connect to others whilst under the mobile connection.

Considering you’ve been experiencing this issue for a long time now it does sound like a restrictive router (but that’s speculation at this point!). There’s so many variables involved, it’s almost impossible to say why a router begins to demonstrate this behaviour, assuming you haven’t made any changes to it’s configuration. Sometimes all that’s needed is a simple router reboot, other times it’s a new router!

If you’d like, pop us a message over in our Support Portal at and include your console logs and we’ll dig deeper. Your console logs can be located here:

  1. Press the Windows key + R
  2. Enter %appdata% within the search input and select 'OK'
  3. Navigate to AppData\Roaming\Fatshark\Vermintide 2\console_logs

We monitor the Support Portal heavily and aim to reply within 24 hours, Monday - Friday.

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