Mortis mode is a blast (casual player)

Casual player here. Mortis has been fantastic so far, even if it might need a few tweaks to get it perfect. I’ve mostly been sticking to Malice Mortis, which hits the perfect comfort zone for me as a casual player–Malice enemy hp and damage means I can pull stunts in an uncoordinated pubbie team without worrying about throwing the whole match, while the frenetic pacing of enemy spawns and spawn numbers still makes the game feel threatening. Indulgence combos can get pretty hilarious too. Great mode, loving it, would be awesome to see the devs iterate on it further. I threw a few bucks at aquilas in appreciation for this update.


Yeah, the fact that its a lot more forgiving makes for a good outlet when I want to play darktide, but I don’t have the energy or time to really lock in.

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Glad you enjoyed it! I’m happy it’s acting as a good stepping stone. It was a fun time for me too.

I’m excited to see what they do next. It feels like a baby Chaos Wastes and I’d love to see it scaled up.

I’m more casual than about 90% of this forum’s typical user base.

Mortis has two things wrong with it - the lore being random and there only being two maps.

Beyond that? Perfect rumble game mode.


What do you mean by the lore being random?

It’s a training ground for the elite mortis operatives right?

So it’s like we’re going through 40k SAS selection process.

I really would have loved waves of enemies… and that the first waves (7-8) are not so boring…

The lore tidbits that you get as a reward are selected at random (either a chapter of Zola’s backstory or one of Morrow’s) and are out of chronological order.

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I think the mode is okay, it is simply too repetitive and honestly boring to me. I’ve played it 5-6 times and the enemy spawns seem to be the same if not very similar every single time. The abilities are also extremely powerful in comparison to the enemies who don’t have much going for them. Even the waves of trappers are just not threatening because you have plenty of warning and see them all coming, the small amount of poxwalkers don’t do anything to cover the trappers and they just get wiped immediately.

Also, when I play Darktide, I find the best moments are when you are barely surviving, everyone is doing everything they can to win and by the skin of their teeth make it to the next medicae station. This mode is like the opposite of that, a lot of times I will simply stand still and do nothing or just run around because all of the enemies are just being instantly murdered by my teammates. There are times when my team splits up and usually, I don’t even realize we split up because it literally doesn’t matter at all - 1 person can solo everything. Yes, this is on Damnation difficulty.

The mode doesn’t need to be super uber difficult, but encouraging teamplay by changing the waves from all ragers or trappers or whatever - to an actual team comp of enemies that need a strategy to be taken down would be a start. The “indulgences” need to be changed as well, or the enemies need to be made stronger to compensate for how overpowered I am.

Ah! Yeah that’s pretty weird I have to admit.

You know when some of us were saying we wanted the “stories” they were posting on the forums, in game in a codex? This is likely their response to that.

I can pretty much picture them already, and haven’t logged in once for this update. Not interested in the least bit.

Considering that you can now interact with Zola and Morrow ‘projections’ in the Psykanium, maybe.

They’re not bad. I actually like them quite a bit. Adds some depth to Zola at least - haven’t listened to enough of Morrow’s to really render an opinion.

Also, hilariously, adds a LOT of depth to Brunt the quartermaster Ogryn.

I’m glad you’re getting some new enjoyment out of the game, bud.

Mortis’ powertrips are a nice change of pace from the mindless no-fun-allowed grind that’s Havoc.

