More Ogryn Weapons

title says it all we need more Orgyn weapons,
now most classes have overlap Vet, Zealot, Psyker share weapons.
this is great for them as it allows them around 10 melee and ranged weapons.
as well as some unique weapons only their class has.

but when it comes to the Orgyn options are abit lacking.
as they only have 6 Melee and 6 Ranged weapons(at the time of this post)
so why not brain storm new weapons for the Ogryn here.


=first lets look into weapon Mark for melee and Ranged?=
(the following were made with Weapon Customization mod and MT Edits.)


=Melee Weapons with only 1 Mark=

the (Slab Shield) has only 1 Mark, but what if we added 2 more?

such as a Thunder Variant, which changes its special attack the thunders hammers Special.

such as a Axe Variant, which changes its special attack the Axe Armor Pen Special.


=Ranged Weapons with only 1 Mark=

the (Kickback) has only 1 Mark, but what if we added 2 more?

such as a Light Variant, which changes its special attack to a light,
as the Orgyn doesnt have many weapons with lights.

or how about a FireShot Variant, which changes its special attack of the mark IX Shotgun.
as its a shotgun like attack, why not give it the Incendiary Shell of the mark IX Shotgun.


the (Rumbler) has only 1 Mark, but what if we added 2 more?

such as a Light Variant, which changes its special attack to a light,
as the Orgyn doesnt have many weapons with lights.

or how about a Sticky Grenade Variant, which changes its special attack to a Sticky Grenade,
so you load a shell that makes your next grenade a Sticky Grenade, like Shotgun specials.




=New Melee Weapons=

the (Great Club) think Crusher Melee Club.
Right Click standard block, but counter is slow but does heavy damage.
Special causes the Ogryn to Smack the ground in front Slow but Huge Heavy Damage.

A Fast one

a Balanced one

a Strong one


the (Heavy Broadsword) think Catachan Sword mixed with Heavy Sword but for Orgyn.
Right Click standard block, but counter is fast wide sweep infront of you.
Special causes the Ogryn to Stab the target and kick, heavy damage and knockback.

A Fast one

a Balanced one

a Strong one


=New Ranged Weapons=

the (AutoCannon) think almost an Ogryn Bolter.
Right Click could be a Zoom with reduced Recoil, but you move at half speed.
Special causes the Ogryn to Smack the target with the gun, small area sweep.

A Fast one

a Balanced one

a Strong one


the (LasCannon) think almost an Ogryn Recon/Inf Las.
Right Click could be a Torrent fire, but you move at half speed.
Special activates a flashlight on the other side of the weapon.

A Fast one

a Balanced one

a Strong one


I will be adding more weapons to this topic as time goes on

Thoughts Comments Concerns


This really shows the cool ideas you can make a reality with the ability to kitbash with ingame assets. Thank you Extended Weapon Customization and add-on devs!


im really hoping they add more ogryn weapons with an ogryn rework soon.

They can just fix and buff all the old weapons for a post #13 world and that would basically make them new again.


I still want my Autocannon and Multilaser. “Light” Rippergun from the older editions would be cool too.


I would love anything based on Ogryn Charonite’s, or at least power fists if they don’t want to be quite that extreme.
Although Ogryn getting some love seems a long way off :cry: