There is a nigh-infinite amount of combinations we can arrange our gear into and having three measly slots feels awfully restrictive. Additionally, one of those has to be sacrificed as the dedicated bot loadout, leaving us with a whopping two (2) slots for quickswitching. Isn’t the whole idea of loadouts to quickly change gear without having to spend twenty minutes hand-picking everything?
The original mod (bless the creators) had more than ten slots for each hero, and came with a number of handy tools to make managing them easy. This was the perfect template, with ample space for every situation imaginable. Current FS approach is in my opinion the bare minimum and not viable as a full alternative.
In my usual style I gathered some nice-to-have features here under a single manifesto:
More slots. Way more. At the very least 10 per career.
Allow us to rename loadouts. The roman numerals are good as the primary differentiator, but some kind of text box above the active loadout would be a welcome addition. To me “Super Critter Rat Splitter” is way more descriptive than “III”.
Info/stat box or dropdown that shows totaled effects from equipped trinkets and career bonuses. E.g. +25% Crit Chance, +100% Curse Resistance, +10% Movement Speed
Copy and paste tools
Loadout reordering
★ Bonus: Switch loadout while a map is loading/at the beginning of run. This could be a VT1 -styled chest that only allows picking loadouts but not individual items or skills.
I was really hoping to be finally able to abandon the old interface but three loadout slots is not enough. I hardly play two games in a row with the same build and the loadout manager mod gives me the possibility to have a loadout for basically every weapon per careers plus additional slots if i want to mix the melee/range combination up a bit.
All in all I need about 7 loadouts per career for legend and at least another 5 for cata. Plus one per difficulty for the bot loadout.
I’ve not played a lot of cata so that number is likely to increase.
Honestly I’m really sad that the loadout implementation is another feature implement just not good enough to be really useful.