I thought of making this topic just in case some good samaritan modders would appreciate some ideas, or if these mods already exist but I don’t know about them, and just to gauge the community’s feelings about this stuff in general. But since we’ve already had general mod threads I’m sure, I thought the twist here would be more for those specific personal preferences we currently don’t have options for.
So please add your own too and feel free to pick apart mine if you feel like it. If the world was perfect this could also work as a kind of wishlist for Fatshark on what things to potentially improve (or fix) about the game.
Anyway, without further ado:
- Inventory sorting - I only need 2 sorting options: total rating vs. alphabetical. Rn I have to cycle through 6 options to go between the 2, each click coming with a delay.
- Track Blessings - Imagine if we could just add specific blessings to a wishlist and the mod would automatically check the stores no matter where you were on Mourningstar. Imagine if this could work account-wide, so you’d get an alert for an oggy blessing even when logged on a psyker!
- Spidey Sense Improvements - This mod is fantastic, but also nowhere near enough. I want bigger, distinctive icons and to reposition them above the crosshair where I can’t miss them. I’d also want clear scaling on distance, and different icon / distance settings for behind vs. other. In the absence of working sounds, I want to know exactly when a trapper / burster / dog is getting into their attack range in a way that is impossible to miss!
- InventoryStats - We have a mod for this, but it doesn’t work for most anything. I just want to see my actual hp/toughness/crit% based on perks, blessings, talents, aura and curios.
- Command Queue - I’ve used macros to fix the unreliable weapon switching for over a year, so a mod with the same idea should be doable. Why not a mod to do the same for gear & ults both? Even better if mods can detect if the command went through, allowing for far better reliability. So if I press melee, I need to be able to trust that it will equip that melee asap no matter what, unless I press something else.
- Blocking Fix - If mods can detect that RMB is held AND that the game doesn’t get it, they could prevent LMB until it does (or even queue it). Thus fixing the issue of push & push-attack doing a regular attack instead, making you facetank hits for no reason.
- Save Weapon Cosmetics on Wargear - Fashiontide QoL! But ofc since we don’t have tools to lock or label our items, most of us likely use skins for it. So something that addresses both needs would be great!
- 1-button Mute All - An easy way to mute the team until the end of the mission, for the hot micers and random screamers.
If someone is blasting your ears at 100 DB or randomly making annoying noise, we don’t always have the luxury of spending 10s navigating the social menu mid-combat.
- Social Block List Notes - Something that would both add date stamps and let us make notes regarding each blocked player. This would make recycling the list much easier and less risky.
- Import / Export Builds With Gameslantern - Imagine if we could just press a button to load from, or save a build to gameslantern! Gear, talents, everything included! Easy to save your own builds online, or to share and test those from the community (assuming you had the gear for it ofc)!
And that’s it, that’s my list. For now.