It’s a pretty standard game mechanic, though. Counter strike and killing floor spring to mind in the “use knife to go fasta” department.
Yeah I tagged you on accident, sorry man
You might not want that, the discussion is “Mobility”, I shared my opinion, you are free to disagree with it.
So… again… since people seem to continue to not understand what the point and entire identity of the combat knife is… it’s to hit and run. If you nerf the ability to quickly engage and disengage “without consequence” it loses its purpose as a high-attack/second, high-mobility single-target weapon.
Nerfing the RANGE of the ATTACKS makes sense-- the weapon shouldn’t be reaching more than an arm’s length given that if you’re FULLY extending during an attack, you’re already over-reaching.
it’s hilarious that in a conversation about improving mobility of other kit, people can’t help but on the most mobile thing instead of thinking about how other kit should be improved to bring parity…
Yeah, thats the biggest reason I don’t want the knife nerfed. It has a purpose and it fits its role quite well. The problem is that other weapons simply can’t keep up with its speed long term, resulting in team separation and resultant wipe.
Frankly, I’m loathe to see any nerf in any pve game unless something is heinously broken, which the knife isnt.
Telling me the topic of the thread I made and what I do or don’t want? Please, tell me more, since you seem to know more about me than myself!
Speed running isn’t for everyone, but it’s a perfectly valid playstyle and it’s hardly our fault we can’t have private solo lobbies to run it our way. I get that some people prefer a slower, more methodical approach, but for me, lighting up three rooms of heretics at a blistering pace feels more in line with the Emperor’s will. I’d bet He’d rather see us tearing through the heretical masses than treating the mission like a casual sightseeing tour.
And let’s be clear: even if you nerfed the knife tomorrow, I’d still be speed-running. The pace isn’t in the weapon; it’s in the mindset.
So, for those rejects who prefer to dawdle like Sunday drivers, I’ve got a little something special for you.
You can have private duo lobbies, though. Nothing is stopping you from making an alt account, firing up a shitty laptop, and having it in your game solely to die and enable you to play solo runs like you seem to want. There’s also the true solo mod.
I do think that private solo lobbies should just be blanket allowed, though.
And I still think it’s kind of a d*ck move to force 3 other players, who probably aren’t geared for speedrunning, to play YOUR playstyle.
I get that it’s fun; my favorite build right now is my zealot where I took every possible mobility node I could fit and I just run around like a lunatic with either the Mk4 Chainaxe or the Mk2 Tactical Axe and axe everyone questions… but if I’m playing with a team who can’t keep up with it, which is most, I instead orbit them and clear out gunners for em instead of rushing 5 rooms ahead and killing my teammates with ridiculous spawns.
Alright, let’s get real here.
Suggesting that players should use an alt account or fire up a spare device just to simulate a solo run? That’s beyond impractical. Most players don’t have an extra laptop lying around, and setting up convoluted workarounds to enjoy our preferred playstyle is absurd. Solo lobbies should be a basic option by now to let everyone play how they want without needing a workaround.
And about ‘forcing’ others into a playstyle—it’s not really happening the way you think. Speed-runners aren’t dragging anyone into anything; we’re simply moving at a faster pace because that’s what makes the game exciting for us. I often adapt my style to support the team when randoms are in my game: I pull enemies back, double back for revives, and clear the way when teammates are holding a defensible spot. Not every speed-runner plays this way, sure, but most of us aren’t trying to mess with anyone’s experience. Ironically, with no solo lobbies, it’s actually the speed-runners who are forced to adapt by slowing down to match the team’s pace, not the other way around.
And while you mention adjusting your Zealot build to fit the team, that’s exactly the point—speed-runners adapt, too. Playing fast doesn’t mean abandoning the team; it just means keeping momentum. This game wasn’t meant to be a slow crawl, and plenty of us thrive on keeping up a strong pace. If a little extra distance or a faster rhythm throws someone off, maybe the issue isn’t with the speed-runners at all.
A solo lobby option would solve all of this instantly. Until then, it’s time to stop acting like speed-running is some kind of hostile takeover of the game. It’s just another way to play, and just like anyone else, we adapt to keep the run fun for the whole team.
At the end of the day, you could change the tools, nerf the knife, tweak the mechanics but if you think that’ll slow us down, you’re missing the point. Speed-running isn’t about the gear; it’s the mindset. Take away the knife, and we’ll still find a way to keep the pace up. The thrill comes from how we play, not what we play with.
You are missing the point entirely. This thread was asking for more mobility tools to begin with, not slowing down knife players.
I was responding to your comment not your original post, where you were critical to speed running, my chosen play style, so no, I don’t think I was missing the point.
I mean, if you’re working with your team, great. You would be the exception, unfortunately, as the majority of “go fast” players I encounter just run ahead with loner, spawn every ambush, horde, and monstrosity along the way, and either rush back to the team with the hell they just unleashed chasing after them, or activate shroudfield which autoswitches agro onto the rest of the team anyways. Then they get backstabbed by a poxer, downed, then start screaming on comms that no one is keeping up with them or reviving them.
It’s a big reason the people I play with would prefer to leave if they see a loner zealot with shroudfield and a knife.
In a game with randoms, you’re always going to get a mix—some will play perfectly in sync with the team, and others won’t. That’s just the reality of online play. Expecting every player to follow a single, unified playstyle is unrealistic, especially in a game where different approaches are part of the appeal.
It’s also a bit extreme to act like every speed-runner is out to ruin the experience. Sure, some might play more independently, but treating them all as if they’re intentionally sabotaging the team feels melodramatic. The nature of random matchmaking is that you’ll get both “wheat” and “chaff.” If everyone fell perfectly in line, multiplayer games would lack the variety that makes them interesting. Just like in real life, where humanity is divided by countless factors, total unity is pretty unlikely here, too. Instead of expecting everyone to play your way, it might be better to adapt to the mix and find ways to enjoy the challenge that comes with it.
He doesn’t want to “nerf” directly the daggers, he wants buffing movement of everything else (so nerfing dagger indirectly).
As I said, I really don’t agree about this.
It’s not my fault 90% of rando loner zealots run off to die horribly and 90% of rando psykers play smite/shield or assail/shield and die horribly, lol.
If it weren’t so common, it wouldnt be a meme.
Bringing things to a relative parity isn’t a nerf. Having more mobility options across the board just creates more player choice, it doesnt take away from the knife’s performance or role in any way shape or form.
It’s more player agency I want, instead of getting punished mechanically by the game because someone else is playing knife.
It nerfes its utility. If I can move at same speed with a combat axe, I have less reasons to take a dagger.
That’s fine. We can agree we’re not agree.
What I see is really different… I have not met any dagger zealot for some times. And when there’s a wipe, it is usually cause someone wanted to rush too much.
But this is rarely a “loner” zealot (it can happen however, but not more than the others).
Lot of players refuse to go back few meters to even take a medikit nowadays…
I told you my opinion, not yours.
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