Not that it’s terribly important, except to people who really want the Auric Charm, but I noticed that some mission types are underrepresented. So I completed a penance that said I’d done 250 Raid missions. Haven’t gotten one of those before, so had a look at the penances, and saw that even though I’d just apparently finished 250 Raids, I’d done fewer than 100 Investigations, Repairs, and Espionages.
Been paying more attention to the mission type now, and like Hab Dreyko is literally the only Investigation, and Power Matrix is the only Repair mission. Seems weird to me, since there’s also a mission about repairing a smelter, and that one about breaking into Archivum Sycarax to investigate something. That one about purifying the water supply could also count as a Repair come to think of it. What’s the reasoning here?
The mission type distinction doesn’t really serve any practical purpose, so it’s not like this is high priority, but it does seem like a trivial thing to fix.
Although, thinking about it now, perhaps the mission type could be used to categorize what type of end crescendo a mission has.
Lesse, what crescendos are there:
Hab Dreyko (Investigation)
Archivum Sycarax (Espionage)
Data Interrogation
Vigil Station Oblivium (Espionage)
Comms Plex (Espionage)
Refinery Delta (Disruption)
Chasm Logistratum (Raid)
Excise Vault Spireside (Raid)
Power Matrix (Repair)
Corruptor Purging
Relay Station (Disruption)
Silo Cluster (Strike)
Smelter Complex (Strike)
Enclavum Baross (Strike)
Consignment Yard (Raid)
Carnival (Raid)
Ascension Riser (Raid)
Ascention Riser also has a corruptor and a teeny bit of hauling, but mostly you just stand there and kill dudes, so I think it goes here.
Arch Heretic
Chasm Station (Assassination)
Magistrati Oubliette (Assassination)
The assassination missions are nice and clear cut at least.
You could get rid of Investigation and Disruption (like what’s the difference between disruption and strike anyway?), then change Hab Drayko and Refinery Delta to be Espionage; that would align all of the Data-Thingy type missions together. Maybe change Silo Cluster, Relay Station, and Smelter Complex into one called “Purge,” to align them and to signify there’ll be some purging of Corruptors. Enclavum Baross could be changed to a Raid. That makes sense, since we are in fact raiding Aegis Station. We’re basically stealing the entire station, right?
That leaves the Hauling jobs. Not sure if there’s a category that could connect Chasm Logistratum and Excise Vault to Power Matrix. “Cargo”? “Freight?” “Payload”? “Transport”? Payload and Transport aren’t bad…
That would give us five Espionage missions (or two Investigations and three Espionages if those stay split up), three Payload missions, three Purge missions (Or Strike I guess), four Raid missions, and two Assassinations. That’d be nice and neat and make sense, right?