More missions diversity

Take a look at the screenshots. What do you see? Missions. There are many missions. How many of them are “investigation” type missions? As you can see, there is only one. And if you think that this is the case only at this particular moment in time, it is not so.


Not so long ago, I started performing penances related to mission types and realized that “investigation” is the only type of mission that causes difficulties in performing penances. Because they don’t exist at the difficulty levels that I play most of my game time.

Is it worth paying attention to? Is it worth making a selection of missions not only based on the map and difficulty, but also the type of mission?

I invite you to a discussion.

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A few missions got their “type” reshuffled with the Path of Redemption update (at least I think it was PoR) - Excise Vault “Steal the Stinky Stuff” used to be a Raid, I believe, but this was changed to Investigation because previously Hab Dreyko was the only Investigation mission in town. And, for some reason, Hab Dreyko is still an Investigation mission, even though I’d argue it’s not really anymore (more like a Strike).

There are way more Strike and Raid missions than the other types combined, if I remember correctly, which makes getting achievements all sorts of weird. Despite having 100 missions cleared for all other kinds of missions, I only have 54 Investigation and 63 Repair missions completed.

The solution is honestly to just add more maps. We don’t have enough where the subject matter would be particularly appropriate to change its type to Investigate or Repair.

That penance. *Shudder. 100 old-style Hab Dreyko missions.
Thank goodness they’ve changed it.

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Tbh I’ve never paid any attention to what “type” each mission is. Kinda like I rarely pay attention to what type each melee attack is, considering it often doesn’t mean much and you need to find out yourself what its pattern & cleave & combo set is anyway.

But if what you say is true then yes, absolutely the mission types should have an equal enough representation across all difficulties for those penances to be viable.

That said, the latest Terror in the Dark event didn’t exist on Aurics at all either. Took me 2 days to realize I had to go to a boring normal mission to even experience it (and the most boring, empty & easy run in over a year). Needless to say it was the first event I abandoned after a single mission.

They really should pay more attention to this stuff. :sweat_smile:

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