Missing Veteran Illusions

Issue Type (Required):


Issue Description (Required):

I was a longtime Vermintide 2 player and beta tester whom recently came back to the game to have been given the crimson illusion weapon set. The problem is, I applied the crimson rapier set, stopped playing for the day, logged back in the next day to find the illusion disappeared from my active weapon in hand, and can no longer be applied in the crafting menu, despite still having the other crimson illusions for the machete and what not in the set

Steps to Reproduce (Required):

  1. Start the game, illusion missing

[PC] Do You Use Mods? (Optional):

No, I don’t use mods

Reproduction Rate (Required):

Constant (100%)

Platform (Required):

PC - Steam

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Hi @Okienaku,

Could you be confused over the weapon illusion applied? The crimson weapon illusions you received I believe would be a reward from Skulls '24; and I believe there isn’t a crimson rapier illusion.

Skulls '24 crimson weapon illusions include:

  • Crimson Beam Staff
  • Crimson Great Hammer
  • Crimson Falchion
  • Crimson Swift Bow
  • Crimson Grudge-Raker

Skulls '23 crimson weapon illusions included:

  • Crimson Daggers
  • Crimson Pistols
  • Crimson Greatsword
  • Crimson Fireball Staff
  • Zanthrund

Sorry, yes I was confused. I actually had the Weave-Forged Rapier and other “Weave-Forged” skins like the dual pistols, both illusions are mission from the rapier and the dual pistols, I also have the crimson illusion for the dual pistols and that is still there. The weave forged rapier had a skull on it with gold all over and like a lava red light coming off of it. One day it’s there and the next both disappeared

Hi @Okienaku, ah I see! I’ve checked the weave-forged rapier skin and can see this is listed correctly in your unlocked cosmetics in the backend.

It’s possible that your Winds of Magic DLC may have become temporarily desynced in the backend which could have caused this - usually restarting Vermintide 2 a few times will straighten this out.

Otherwise, I wonder if the weapon illusion could be listed with an incorrect rarity - could you check through all weapon illusion rarities you have available and let me know?


I don’t have the winds of magic DLC even bought, I can remember this happening and the game removing my illusions after I went to the place in your stronghold where the cauldron is. (Basically where you access the winds of magic) I didn’t know what it was and clicked on everything and it told me to buy the DLC to be able to use those stations and then after attempting that, my illusions were gone.

I also don’t know how to check the total illusions or items I have in my inventory. I’ve had this game since beta and stopped playing for awhile and wanted to come back

Hm, that’s really unusual! To be able to use the weave weapon illusions outside of Weaves game mode, you need to own the Winds of Magic DLC and purchase the weapon illusion unlocks in the Athanor. If you don’t own the DLC and haven’t purchased the unlocks then the weapon illusion shouldn’t have been available :thinking:

To check the illusion rarities, you can go to apply an illusion to your rapier (or any weapon) and in this menu I believe you can switch between different colour/rarity tiers of illusions. I wondered if the weave forged illusion rarity may have been incorrect. Though by the sounds of it, the illusion not being available will be expected here.

The illusion I had was rarer than the crimson ones that I received as well, and noticed it was highlighted in gold, then the crimson ones had a red background in the second place on my dual pistols. For the rapier, that illusion was the only one that I had and no longer have any other illusions for the rapier. Although both are in my inventory and you can see them being activated on your end. I’m not sure what is going on, I just like sick skins

Since i’ve had this game in my library for a long while, I believe what could of happened is those times were DLC was offered for free. I’m not certain but I think at some points along the life cycle of vermintide 2 DLC was offered for free or a limited time

@Okienaku, I’ve checked your account data in the backend and have confirmed the following -

  • Winds of Magic DLC is not owned, or active for your account
  • You do appear to have weave-forged weapon illusions applied to two rapiers, and a brace of pistols… somehow!

I’m unsure of free DLC offerings in the past, but Winds of Magic DLC does not appear to be owned. As for the weave-forged weapon illusions being made available in the main game - this was only introduced fairly recently in patch 5.5.0 back in May. As you last played in June 2021, these would not have been available then :thinking:

I’m genuinely a little stumped as to how this could have happened, so I’ve asked a backend developer to look into it.

As for the weave-forged weapon illusions, unfortunately we wouldn’t be able to make these manually available, as these require the Winds of Magic DLC and unlocks via the Athanor.

So I’ll have to pay $20 to get back the illusions I had in my inventory? :sweat_smile: :sob:

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