Hi there,
I picked up Vermintide 2 for free this weekend, and have slowly been getting used to the game; there’s a few systems which are not immediately obvious how they work, but they do appear to work when I’ve googled them… but then I came across applying Illusions to my equipment, and I think it’s broken?
Namely I see this on the first crafting screen. It shows all the weapons I have, and those I’ve dismantled in the past… which are presumably the illusions that I’m supposed to have?
Then when I move to the second screen, and attempt to apply an illusion, I see this instead. Note that it’s showing 3 identical versions of the same Flamestorm staff. There’s no preview window so it’s impossible to tell what I’m applying but I’ve tried all 3 and it does apply the same model.
I presume the icons on the first page would be effectively the preview, but you can’t see them here.
The secondary weapon, the Sword shows multiple duplicates of 2 icons, one for the Adept and one for the Apprentices Flame Sword, but as you can see from the first page, there should be more sword models unlocked to select as an illusion.
After testing both, not having an in game preview like on the equipment screen, the icons aren’t enough to show what you’re selecting, as the changes between the two swords are mostly to the hilt, and aren’t displayed at all on some of the icons.
Also whilst I’m here, the UI is a bit confusing as it requires a double click to select an item (with the mouse cursor often disappearing, and it doesn’t seem to accurately highlight even when it’s there) but a long hold to complete the crafting. It would be better to have a single click highlight and hold on the choice, but a “Add” and “Complete Illusion” button instead (or similar uniform selection choices)…