Melk's Marks Emporium Tier 2 blessings? Bug?

Are items in Melk’s Marks Emporium now showing up with Tier 2 blessings?
I could have sworn that it was minimum Tier 3 Blessings in the limited time shop?
Someone correct me if I’m wrong, I don’t recall seeing T2 or T1 blessings there.

If I recall correctly, Melk’s items don’t really have a blessing tier minimum. However the items themselves tend to be higher rarity from the start, which makes it more likely that they have more valuable blessings than normal items, resulting in higher tier being more common.

Sorry for offtop. But i need to ask this: is this intented that melks shop item has highter quality blessings, but poor base stats. Never seen an item in melks shop that have base stats more than 355.

All weapons i have - from common rng shop because only in this shop i see 380 items.

I’ll ask!

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FWIW I got a 377 and 379 good items for my zealot a few weeks ago, and see the occasional screen shot. But yeah SUPER rare.

Since the last patch, it almost seems like Melk shop items are worse (like the T2 blessings), probably just my imagination/paranoia I guess.