Melee bad


Dodge timings in Darktide are far more forgiving than in Vermintide 2. Yes stam regen is disabled when dodging. Still melee is easier. You were good at melee in VT2, you should be godlike in DT.

Melee is different, but still really important. “No, you are wrong, I’m right” isn’t an argument. You are comparing apples to oranges at this point.

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Nah. Dt melee and dodge system is good. Its a bit different than in v2, but equally good.

It’s a fun Tide game, just not Vermintide 3. Simplified in some areas, more complex in others. I certinely can enjoy both, despite Sweden attempts to frustrate us at every step :wink:

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it doesn’t need to be VT3 but it does need to have VT2 melee…or else it is DOOMED to be BAD…

Sorry my dude, but what you are asking for won’t happen, “no”, “I want that mummy” won’t cut it here.

ye probably

you have to buy or mod challenge into VT2. this is a pretty huge difference between the 2.

the huge difference is that vt2 melee good and dt melee bad

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The pertinence of this remark is transcendent.

this is elucidating

bad, good because, maybe not, sometimes it will.
if true then no.

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big if true

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This statement is false.

Shitposting thread finally

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yeah but real too

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