Melee bad

Vt2 is different. But Darktide is made to be harder, you don’t have Thp (Which is too strong), you have a stamina mechanic that work quite well.

Also Vt2 has a Dodge count. So it’s not like yo u can Dodge without limit

dt made to be WORSE more like…

Cope and seeth

yes I am seething about how bad game is when it could so easily be good…

hm I have no clue about the mechanics, but for me it feels like blocking is way less important in darktide than it is in vt2. On damnation I rarely have to block anything I dont know why that is.

well in VT2 you can slap block cost reduction on twice and revive with a chaos warrior slamming his axe onto you while running dual daggers. here that move is something you actually have to get out of the way of, and you still have about a week to do so…

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yes, and it also feels like blocking is actually worse than making a dodge into a slide.
DodgeSlide somehow protects you from melee and ranged attacks at the same time.
When you block you still take ranged damage which in turn means if something else hits you you get health chip damage.
Maybe I missing something important but blocking seem just bad.

ya u push but push bad because no stam regen…awful situation…fatshark pls…

maybe, I just would appreciate it if all defensive actions would be meaningful.
I could also imagine something like “if you block an attack the kincetic energy restores x% of your toughness. Cannot trigger more than x seconds”
I d take anything tbh : D

yes I too would like this if everything was meaningful…right now nothing is meaningful…it is all awful…horrible scenario of reality…

it’s bad that you can backstep overheads at any range with any weapon

I use push a lot, even as veteran. Most claims of it being dead are greatly over stated. I mean 3 of the characters have basically no cost to do it (psyker through regen delay being non existent + kinetic deflection, zealot with high stamina and regen speed/delay, ogryn with even more stamina and lower push costs). There’s also the mercy mechanic of any hit, even a tiny bullet, giving like 25% stamina back as anyone.

And now veteran has 1.12s delay instead, and two 0.25s stamina regen delay nodes you better believe I’m running until they make his tree better. Making him almost Psyker tier for stamina delay as well (0.625s instead of 0.5 on Psyker). Use the tools, guys.

As for it being worthwhile, ogryn shoves stop a bunch of mauler overheads at once and most weapons have crazy push attacks (like the combat knife that has the damage profile of a heavy, double the hitmass of a light attack and faster frame data than the heavies or push follow up). Dueling sword has 3x the hitmass in a push attack and way better cleave damage distribution. Force sword knocks back a bulwark or crusher. Etc etc

no just make the game better

It’s too expensive to traverse the tree to pick up those nodes if you’re playing anything other than melee veteran.

which is why you stop pretending that veteran is good outside of melee currently, and just use that if you want to play him at all while we wait for the better tree.

melee bad…veteran bad…it’s all bad…how could this happen…

The only time I’d play melee veteran is if I can bash in heads with my overheating plasma gun.

More like range weapon is overtuned and melee enemies are weak. Like they have the same move and attack speed, same attack patterns like in V2, but players are faster and more agile now.

Give maulers and crushers ability to charge/sprint and swing like berzerks or some ground aoe slam and there will be some fun in melee.

[citation needed]

Darktide was substantially easier than V2 until they added STG and the ability to combine it with hi-int.

I also don’t think the fun flow of Vermintides melee combat had to be sacrificed to make Darktide harder.

To be honest I do kinda miss the mindless heavy spam with billion attack speed and dmg buff of mercs two handed sword OR TH hammer / TH axe with slayer OR any weapon on zealot OR DD on elf

BUT the new update with perma 30% attackspeed on zealot or even 50% (but I like the crit node MUCH more then the AS node) we are almost there.

In VT2 being in melee it makes you pretty much immortal