Meeting them midway

As much as we want, and need FS to communicate more, we also need to be way less toxic each time they do try.

And as much as the complaints are warranted, there is no point to try to stop threads that aren’t about complaints. Leave them be, don’t be make yourself look worse than need be.


People on Reddit got like, genuinely mad that Fatshark announced on the forums that ambush music was coming back.

Some people just need to chill.


The problem is that while players generally are unable to articulate why they’re upset, they do have valid grievances. Yes the community should be better, but I’m reminded of my time working in customer service here, one of the worst customers I ever had I ended up winning over and afterwards he admitted to me a lot of his anger was due to his recent divorce.

There are outside factors and frustrations that contribute to people’s personality. Also I think everyone here should go listen to Dale Carnegie’s free audiobook on YouTube about “how to win friends and influence people”

In summation fat shark is a company that delivered a “minimum viable product” on many fronts, likely due to influences we won’t hear about and are left to speculate on. People were in some cases (such as weapon customization) outright lied to. Fat sharks strategy for dealing with negative opinions on things right now is to simply not engage. The most engagement we’ve gotten was the open letter, but sadly it mostly reads as a non-apology.

They. Will. Not. Change.

Not for the foreseeable future as they seem to take criticism pretty personally. Which means that they’re plan is most likely to work away under the radar and keep trying their best while mostly ignoring feedback. From what I can gather this was their VT2 strategy and in the VT2 realm it has mostly paid off, so they have a dataset to prove that their nose to the grindstone approach can work. That at the core of things is what I think we’re dealing with.

Things will get better, but they won’t change at large because they cannot seem to see past their strategy for previous titles.


Here’s the issue:

FS isn’t trying. Simple as.

More to the point: This is a feedback forum dedicated to a for-profit software service. That service has been losing users and popularity every single month since release, with the sole exception being the month they released Patch 13. That patch was also the last major content update in a “live service” game, which is now nearly a third of the game’s “live” lifespan in the past almost 5 months ago.

There are longstanding issues with the game that go unacknowledged and unaddressed, some all the way back to launch, issues that often don’t plague other 'Tide games or that they encountered and solved already in their decade-loing run of 'Tide game development.

It’s hard to get excited about stuff in that context.

As as result, these problems overshadow and bleed into everything else. They’re an open festering wound on an otherwise beautiful face and Fatshark isn’t willing to even acknowledge it’s bleeding. Since Fatshark isn’t addressing and wrangling that feedback, it gets expressed all over the place.


Planned things can be cancelled, many games have had such cases (Larian’s BG3 where not long before launch they still talked about the Upper City). And before someone ask, no Hedge did not say that customisation was against the lore.


You’re totally right, but it creates distrust when people pre-order a game under a belief and it gets pulled out from under them. From there it sucks because the company has to work to rebuild that trust.


Oh. You are funny. Starting another thread…
Who do you think you are meeting half way? Or better yet, to meet anyone half way implies that there is someone responding. Or even better still. What do you think can be achieved by this meeting them half way? You negotiationg something? You are only offered silence and have to wait for something to happen. The experience of a person who bought the game and has over 1k hours in it is that no one, apart from the dwindelling playerbase cares about it. I will not go thorough the litany of issues. I will point blank say you are either delusional or deliberately trying to trivialize peoples frustration with the game.

Just for your information. The other thread where we conversed was not made by me.

Yes atm they are being silent, with only the promise that they are working on things.

Sure only the playerbase care about it, unlike the Dev who have made the Traitor Curse update, the tree rework…

I will remind you that in the thread that you in fact were trying to stop or change because it bothered you (I could even say offended you) I did not say anywhere that I don’t want people to complain:

Mate I don’t care, go tell that in a complaint thread if you want but there is no need to try to make all of them be it.

I was wrong about the Chaos Spawn, that was a fair point (Though I had also forgotten the Deamonhost, which wasn’t in game at launch iirc)

Basically do complain, do show the Dev through the CM, while not antagonizing the CM, they are working with bounds hands, both due to the nature of GW and due to FS’s method of work, that the game has problems, but don’t invade other threads just because you’re being a sourpuss

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OP: “maybe we should be less hostile to the devs, and they might interact with us more?”

Certified Darktide subreddit moment



Oh. You are funny. Unironically witch-hunting Heretical_Cactus…

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I farted


Yes definetly that. It’s def. me hunting him. Sure. Not like the forum is literally built to suggest new threads as they show up. I really am sick of this. It is the only way left by FS to report issues. Of course nothing ever gets done regardless. Instead of having any issues solved or questions answered I am dealing with this kind of bs. This is just absurd. The game is on the verge of irrelevance- if it isn’t already, and you want to make sure that the forum to the soon dead game behaves to your standards… Absolutely surreal.

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You’re targeting the guy for something that he didn’t even do.

Did you actually read his response?

Look sunshine. I don’t have the patience nor the crayons to listen to a pointless tyrade. You want to make a point, make it. I will not be expaling to you how disagreements work nor why i have disagreed with his opinion, since you just mentioned that you have the ability to read.

I already made my point, you’re witch-hunting the guy because you’re stalking everything that he’s posted just to continue your previous argument from another thread. Do NOT try to tell me that this “tyrade” is pointless after you dragged your previous argument with him into another thread like a spoilt child.

I have disagreements with him too but guess what? I don’t refuse to like his takes that I agree with later on, let alone stalk his posts to continue a pointless argument with him in another thread - what you’re doing is dangerously immature.


Ok. So ql… I really learned a lot from you. You can sleep in peace knowing how much I value your opinion in this matter. Truly.

If you’re not gonna take on anything that I just said, go. Just go. I’m trying to help you improve as a person and you’re just acting like a spoilt child.