Meeting them midway




Or what. You will accuse me of stalking you now?

Only if the shoe fits, Cinderella :kissing_heart:

OK, this is the last reply. See ya!

Get this man his fard evidence :fist::pensive:

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There is only a few of us Guardsmen and a lot of them Khornate Cultists. You have seen how they rip and tear away at the fabric of reality… in the Chaos Realm known as Steam forums.

That’s the thing, there is a lot of unnecessary vitriol. I could name drop each and every detractor from the Steam Forums and what their posting habit is. It’s like they’re their own little characters.
And it’s well past valid grievances. One guy comes into every thread and talks about something something Darktide is a turd. The Discord last I checked was also pretty toxic.

Remember when Catfish used to post regularly? She stopped. I wonder why that is.

Every single thread it’s all just whataboutism.

Fatshark: “Hey we decided to fix / add / change X.”
Community: “Yeah cool, really. What about Y?”
Plus the whole spiel about “they still call us rejects!”.

Are you surprised they stopped interacting with us? I’m not.

Community fostering is as much on Fatshark as it is on the members on the community. Why do you think it’s festering so badly? It’s certainly not just the Nurgle memes.


Community is not being managed.

I’ve said every time that the CMs are hindered from effectively doing their jobs because Fatshark’s management and overall approach to community is entirely too hands-off.

It comes back to lack of communication. Every. Single. Time.

The furor festering in fellows firmly falls at the foot of the fief fearful of fanatics frenzied flames.


the reason the expectation went from, “cool they said xyz”, → “we’ll see” → “yeah right you ain’t gonna deliver anyway” → “you ain’t going to talk? TALK TO US!” isn’t because people are just toxic, its because they continuesly failed to meet expectations, and met emotional investment with breach of trust.

if people just continued to be euphoric each time they announced and had their trust broken, that would only mean they are emotionally underdeveloped and can’t process them being misstreated.

its no coincidence that the people who are the most upset are often the people who spend the longest (not measured in hours played but commited to being part of the tide community)
they seen the most breaches of trust → logically in human relationship you’d be best served to cut the losses and move on, and you’d think doing that with a company or game would be much easier, but there are also emotional investment, for me as an example i met dozens of awesome people i now call friends in tide games, its no strech to say that i should be thankful for fatshark for giving me the opportunity to meet them, tho that argument falls apart rather quickly if you think about it.

it is also quite hard to move on from a thing that would need so little to meet your expectations,
that argument pops up frequently, “if they just changed one line of code the game would be so much better”…


I am doing better. By not playing the game.


Agreed. It’s crazy that people think Fatshark just gets randomly treated worse than other devs. Like somehow this community is apparently just randomly worse than others. Absolutely insane worldview when people no longer understand that devs shape their own community. The community simply reacts to what Fatshark does. It’s not inherently different from the deep rock galactic community for example.


They delivered a really great update after months with their head in the sand and then went right back. It doesn’t help that part of that huge delivery was exactly what all the naysayers said was going to happen (that a total relaunch of the game would occur with the console launch). It’s a lot easier to root for victories that keep occurring, or at least stay off the doom wagon by throwing out more than radio silence.

Way too many of these posts lately so I thought I’d put out my singular who cares take on it and be done. The only indicator we have is what happens, and hopefully its something more than the current nothing. Eventually.


As you wish.
Is Fatshark the Japanese and we the Americans or vice versa?


Smells like flowers

Rafflesia - Wikipedia

Description pt. 2.

It’s probably what Nurgle gift to Isha

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