Maybe after the upcoming update, we can tweak the ammo a bit?

i’m not saying this because we don’t have enough, no, i’m just saying that it’s a bit of a problem for people like me who have OCD but can’t get it treated.

there ARE guns that allow us to play the game and have no problems but those are few and far between as it were and none are starters. so that means they can’t be accessed until at least level 3.

a good way to fix this problem would be to just get a calculator and punch in the magazine size of the gun and multiply it by however many mags would be balanced for darktide (I.E. 32 multiplied by 5 giving 160 reserve ammo for an autogun and 124 multiplied by 7 giving 868 reserve ammo for an ogryn heavy stubber) and then inputting the new values into the code block for the reserve ammo, making it so that a revolver now has 55 reserve ammo instead of having 57, which clashes with the 5 round capacity of the revolver.

this is only a problem because people who can’t get OCD treated are either forced to deal with it or are forced to restrict what guns they use. this is a problem that MUST be handled and frankly the fact that this has been an issue since day 1 is horrible.


they actually just keep 3 spare loose bullets in their pocket

On a serious note though with a hyperspecific accessibility issue like this you’re best off asking a modder to visually fix it for you or something. Regardless of the severe disability that makes you struggle with this so much, that’s so specific that I don’t think they’d adjust game balance for it. Very doubtful that asking Fatshark for this will ever be fruitful

good to at least TRY asking.

Yes. As every living thing, you too have to deal with certain things.

You have a bunch of options, among which you can choose. You are not forced to do anything.
You repeatedly using the word “forced”, only makes your comment seem like you are trying to score points on an emotional level.

You are right. This is a problem that must be handled.
And the person who must handle it, is you.

Do you write mail to the city, because there is an uneven number of street lights nearby your house?
Do you write complaints to every store, because their prices are not divisible by 2 or 5?

You have to deal with it.

Aside from you thinking that you would personally like this change.
Do you actually think that they should spend dev time to make this change?

If so, what are they supposed to do after making this specific change in order to cater to your mental illness?
Where do you draw the line?

  • Reloading when a mag is not empty, will put the bullets back in your reserve. Now you have an ammo number that you do not like. Should the remaining bullets be deleted from a mag, when you reload, so that you are not “forced” to not reload before emptying the mag?
  • Some talents increase your ammo pool. Should they be removed, because you are “forced” to not pick them, since they might result in an ammo amount that you do not like?
  • Should the ammo aura be removed from the veteran, because it constantly adds a few bullets and “ruins” the perfect number of ammo in reserve?
  • Should ammo pickups be redesigned, so that they always restore an amount of ammo that you deem nice to look at?

I’m assuming that +16% and +17% toughness curious must be heresy to you!

If it was between these changes, and Havoc, I know what I’d pick.


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To be honest it should always work like this in every game.

Just wait until he finds out about 380 level +3 stam curio’s.

Why? So that everyone can suffer an other inconvenience in the name of realism?

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Because reloading becomes a tactical choice.

But does it make the game better? I don‘t think so.

Such a mechanic has a place in certain games, but imo this game is not one of them.

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