For me, I don’t mind if people want to take it, but I have basically omitted it from all of my builds entirely due to the thing (to me) no longer being worth the talent taxation leading up to it.
Get Back in the Fight basically does nothing, if you’re toughness drops below Iron will as a Vet you’re a Psyker now and you will die in 2-3 hits, a little extra maneuverability after the first one isn’t gonna change the outcome.
Catch a Breath is never procing outside of in-between waves, at that point Coherency toughness is fine enough
5% reload speed is like…fine, but not something to take an aura over.
Meanwhile, 5% damage, while it doesn’t effect breakpoints, gives me upgraded grenades, straight into 5% DR, straight into grenade replenishment. Even on Shredder grenade I path over and go up that way, as a bigger bleed grenade that regenerates is a good bit better than about 2-3 mags worth of ammo during a mission.
Before, when it was per specialist kill, thing was nutz/very much broken, very much worth the tax, and even worth dropping upgraded grenades for to fit it in to a build.
Now, way better to just be that much more effective with your talents somewhere else. About the only time I can see it being ‘worth it’ is running Executioners and dropping upgraded nades with shredders, but even then you’re dropping just, so much utility for a clip every so often. The game tends to give enough ammo if you scrounge for it and aren’t super wasteful with it, so I don’t see it being ultra useful outside of just, hard dedicating your build to really just firing on all cylinders and ignoring your blitz to enable doing so.
But, I like nades to much and find them infinitely more useful to build into, and unlike some vets I can pull out my melee weapon when I need to, so I just tend to find survivalist anything but worth it, especially in it’s current state with the talents in front of it.