Most of the vets i've seen are using survivalist

i don’t understand why, it isn’t even that good, but that’s just my opinion.

personally, i despise it because it gives me ammo and triggers my OCD and that causes me to have to either waste that extra ammo or only focus on that until i get back up to a full mag worth of ammo, i believe it should be reworked to only give ammo to the user or makes it so that there is a small chance for people in coherency to not consume ammo when firing.

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Your OCD is not team-efficent, please respec into something less disruptive like tourettes or depression like the rest of us.


You realize every ammo pack or bag you pick up is not a number of magazines for your gun but a fraction of your total ammo? This is the weirdest complaint I’ve seen. Why don’t you complain that that Fire Team doesn’t give you a specific breakpoint you want also?


my guy, i know what an ammo bag and ammo box do AND how they function, you completely missed the point.

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Do you also not ever reload before emptying a magazine? If you have time between combat you should and not enter a fight with only a couple rounds. This OCD of yours sounds quite problematic.

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it is but i live in america.

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Western gamer moment


For melee, I go on the +5% movement aura.
For ranged, survivalist is my go. It gives an ammo return, better than nothing.
But fire team, I don’t see any interest. Especially considering the talents you have to pick to take this aura.

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It isn’t as great as it once was, but it is still useful. I like to take it to support the team on my VoC shouting build and on my Marksman build its, well, there. I’m fortunate that my OCD only kicks in on the revolver, where I can only have ammo counts ending in 0 or 5. I will blast off rounds into space to get it to that.

same here man, i DESPISE having any ammo over a full mag, even if it’s just one singular bullet, i want it all to equal nothing but full mags when divided.


I feel your pain.

If there was any justice, I’d be able to take additional empty mags to fill up for the Warband.

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For me, I don’t mind if people want to take it, but I have basically omitted it from all of my builds entirely due to the thing (to me) no longer being worth the talent taxation leading up to it.

Get Back in the Fight basically does nothing, if you’re toughness drops below Iron will as a Vet you’re a Psyker now and you will die in 2-3 hits, a little extra maneuverability after the first one isn’t gonna change the outcome.

Catch a Breath is never procing outside of in-between waves, at that point Coherency toughness is fine enough

5% reload speed is like…fine, but not something to take an aura over.

Meanwhile, 5% damage, while it doesn’t effect breakpoints, gives me upgraded grenades, straight into 5% DR, straight into grenade replenishment. Even on Shredder grenade I path over and go up that way, as a bigger bleed grenade that regenerates is a good bit better than about 2-3 mags worth of ammo during a mission.

Before, when it was per specialist kill, thing was nutz/very much broken, very much worth the tax, and even worth dropping upgraded grenades for to fit it in to a build.

Now, way better to just be that much more effective with your talents somewhere else. About the only time I can see it being ‘worth it’ is running Executioners and dropping upgraded nades with shredders, but even then you’re dropping just, so much utility for a clip every so often. The game tends to give enough ammo if you scrounge for it and aren’t super wasteful with it, so I don’t see it being ultra useful outside of just, hard dedicating your build to really just firing on all cylinders and ignoring your blitz to enable doing so.

But, I like nades to much and find them infinitely more useful to build into, and unlike some vets I can pull out my melee weapon when I need to, so I just tend to find survivalist anything but worth it, especially in it’s current state with the talents in front of it.

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Take medication for it like most americans instead of mastering your emotions or suffering in silence like an adult.

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does the word “poor” sound like something you’ve heard before?

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In this economy/crap shoot of a country with no medical assistance to speak of? dang, must be nice in that ivory tower of yours.


They have medical assistance. However, they will loose it soon. Their choice…
However, that’s something off topic and that should surely not been discussed here.

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Because it’s still the best option out of the 3 and should be baseline passive at this point, as it was before the talent tree update.
5% movement speed is absolutely negligible as knife already lets us run away from enemies anyway
5% damage bonus, I doubt this will help hitting any breakpoints, the “meta” ranged weapons (Bolter, Revolver, Plasma, Flamethower) will wreak havoc anyway.
As the main threat of the game are the ranged enemies, running out of ammo is pretty much a death sentence, and it was possible to run out of ammo on most guns even before the nerf on Survivalist.


Easy fix: playOgryn with grenadelauncher or single shot shotgun! Happy to help :slight_smile:


It usually becomes an obligatory choice on the talent tree especially when you are pathing to the talents below it, and it does have its benefits for ranged weapons where low ammo stat is present (i.e. Stub Pistols, Shotguns) or high DPS is dependent on alot of ammo (i.e. Recon Lasgun alongside using Shock Trooper to increase ammo economy, or Shredder Autopistol enjoyers)

It also has the benefit for teammates to keep even that smallest percent of ammo be given to them, especially if it means aiding a teammate in a jam where they’d need to pop off a shot to survive. That also goes for the Vet player as well, getting stuck with no ammo when it may be most needed is an ominous “life or death” situation in-game

Its already a talent that got cursed by debuffs as is as well.