Survivalist Aura nerf feels a little heavy-handed

While Survivalist most definitely needed a nerf, I’m not sure nerfing it this hard is the right call. While previously, it completely removed the problem of ammo economy, now it seems to barely do anything - like the other Veteran auras, leaving it still BiS but now incredibly mid.

I’m wondering what would happen if the cooldown was halved to 2.5s. This would still prevent it from being a casino of cartridges, but keep it more useful, making it a bit easier to keep usable amuonts of ammo.


I don’t even agree with the idea that it was too good.

The real problem is that the other two auras are never worth picking over this, regardless of how much you’d nerf it.

Now it just doesn’t do what it’s supposed to anymore.

This change needs to be reverted and the other auras buffed so that there’s competition.


At least now all the Veteran’s auras are equal.
Equally bad.


Fire Team and the movement/stealth one needed pretty massive buffs. Survivalist was always an odd one out in the auras due to being blatantly built for the OG skill/talent system, if you’re going to make vet aura-dependent like that, the other two needed to be brought to its level.

Now all the Automatic weapons and especially the Recon Lasguns will feel even more sh@t then than usual! Horrible move from the devs seriously!

The other Auras are still garbage when compared to the Survivalist/Scavenger auras, dear developers! Why can’t you understand that having more ammo is always more important & FUN than having a fart more damage or a little bit more speed which is honestly pretty meaningless if you are actually interested in playing the game instead of speed running matches or some melee only challenges…

The devs really don’t play this game with the Veteran do they? Like they seriously just don’t?

Revert the nerf, please! Pretty please… :cold_sweat: :cold_sweat: :cold_sweat:


Also think of the gameplay that this change promotes…

It’s now more optimal to kill elites and specials in 5sec intervals.

The aura isn’t any weaker, it’s just a pain in the ass to play around it’s downside.

I don’t get it, the old 2% value was nerfed to find a better value. The 1.2% felt good for the vast majority of weapons and it didn’t need to change any further.

Who asked for a cooldown on this? I’ve not seen a single post suggesting this idea.

This seems to be a pick-rate oriented nerf entirely.


Nobody asked for this and i seriously mean it! All we have EVER asked of the developers, is for them to make the Survivalist & Scavenger part of the Veteran’s Base Kit and then replace the existing “Scavenger/Survivalist” with another Aura effect like: +10% dodge distance for all teammates in Aura radius or some other more viable stuff the players of this game have suggested… :disappointed_relieved:


i think is fine now, i never used it anyway, i allways prefear the +5% speed, but even with that we still have the 0.5 of the aura when using others.



I don’t understand the “Survivalist Aura was OP” complaints. The game isn’t a survival horror game, it’s okay to have a bit of spare ammo for genociding Heretics. Seriously.

Some of these nerf request hot takes seem blown out of proportion.


You are ok with something being nerfed you didn’t use? Surprise!

I agree with @BFCInsomnia that the nerf was unwarranted and even considering this it’s completely overdone.

That said I also don’t think it’s game breaking and there’ll honestly be very few builds where I’ll exchange it for another aura. (The others still suck)

There are builds however that I won’t use with this nerf anymore like recon lasgun builds and this is a pitty as for me personally survivalist was mandatory for them to work as intended.


It feels like every update they make veteran becomes less fun to play. First they took away our reload on ult ability, now this. Melee veteran was always going to be suboptimal because it’s such a gunplay focused class, but instead of leaning towards the gunplay they keep nerfing it instead to try and force people to engage with the right side of the tree.

Like that other guy said, it wasn’t that scavenger was OP, it was that the other two sucked. Now all three auras are equally trash.


I agree that 5 second cooldown might be bit too limiting and testing something closer to 2(±1) seconds might be more of an balanced state. Hard to say from just reading the patch note and need to try it so i could be totally off the mark here.

At the very least this makes it something that can be balanced against the other 2 auras. I agree the other auras still suck and they need to be buffed for this to be relevant.

Honestly I miss the days when All Guardsmen Party completely changed the feel of the game and turned it into a tight tactical shooter. Quadrupling up on classes should be fun - Psykers should be UNLIMITED POWER, Ogryns should be an invulnerable ball of rashuns and friendship, and zealots should be superfast ultraviolence.

With the constant nerfs, both direct and indirect, to vet’s ranged kit I have to wonder if someone is trying to force the square peg of ranged combat into the round hole of V2-esque melee.


Disagree it’s a great change. Mechanics that scale off elite kills NEED this treatment or they completely break the game in auric. Vet was never meant to give you 5 ammo boxes worth of ammo which it did in aurics. Now it’s closer to 1-2 which is a lot still. Apply this concept to all of those mechanics, such as the cooldown reduction ones, too.


Helldivers2 continues to enhance the ammo economy, and now has new enhancements to choose from that can replenish all ammo in a single resupply, while the Darktide continues to weaken the player’s ability to use guns. Let’s see who will be more successful.


Completely nonsensical comparison, Helldivers 2 is not built with attrition in mind, while Darktide heavily focuses on resource scarcity for this reason.


Ammo efficiency has always been an important part of weapon strength evaluation in Helldivers 2, and unless you’ve never played it, you’re just pretending not to see it.


You are right, it should be removed from the game all together so we don’t have to spend more time trying to balance it against other auras in the first place.


Then the solution was to have a micro cooldown to prevent mass groups generating ammo. For example an internal .5 second CD.

Or I dunno, balance the game in a way other than “Surprise, 15 crushers now!”

Blame Fatshark, not the players for finding the path of least resistance.


Just had to quote you as I agree with every single word in this post :slight_smile: