As a zealot main, this hurts too much

82 and 52 are not devisable by 5, please fix this by either removing the extra 2 rounds from the reserve or by adding 3 extra.

100 is not devisable by 15, please fix this by adding 5 more rounds or removing the extra 10.

the revolver and the bolt gun aren’t the only weapons that have this problem, from what i can tell, most have ammo that leaves you with less than a full mag on your last reload.

the shredder autopistol has a 53 round mag and a 534 round reserve. that doesn’t equal a full mag, you are left with 4 extra bullets at the end.

again, i main zealot, i can’t just slap on the vets ammo talent and have nothing but full mag after full mag, that doesn’t even work like that, it gives you a percentage amount!

i don’t like wasting ammo when using guns in games and i can’t stand it when a gun has ammo that doesn’t mathematically check out, i can’t stand using them because of this and it restricts me to melee and ranged weapons that either don’t have a need for ammo or a gun that has ammo that can be divided into full magazines, such as the bolt pistol and the new shotgun. please fatshark, fix this so that i can have actual freedom in what guns i use.

i know for a fact that this isn’t just a me problem, other people suffer from this too, please for the love of god, fix it already, its just changing the values to the weapon ammo, it won’t take longer than half an hour at most, please fatshark, please.


This is a pretty strange nitpick but I guess it would satisfy that itch of seeing nice round numbers.

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What are you talking about this is the most petty thing ive ever read. This isnt realistically ever going to even occur unless you never pick ammo up, and if that is tru then you have much bigger problems than 4 extra bullets wtf


I really wanna know what u said lmao

I can devise 100 by 15 just fine.


Yeah ammo is generally ugly and on the weapon with no ammo stat it makes even less sense not having an evenly divisible number of magazines.

Worst was the stubbers post nerf, I miss the old 140/160 mag magazine sizes. Now its literally 139 per belt on max ammo roll with Achlys. Vomit.

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i said they were being anal about the numbers and to just make sure they’re not hoovering all the ammo.

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In my defense, i have OCD.

no 105 isnt rounded enough. make it 150 so its nicely divisible by 10.

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