Materials on item sell

Please can we reclaim a small part of the materials from a weapon or curio sell? Seems fair that we do instead of just loads of dockets we can’t use on anything.

Or give us the option to choose either dockets OR materials on a sell.

I’ve just wasted another 20k plasteel in 1 minute trying to get the last 4 remaining IV blessings for a single weapon. I didn’t even get 1 new IV blessing… From 20k of plasteel!!!

Ffs please change this utter dog swill of a crafting system.

Or at least omit already-owned(sacrificed) blessings from new consecrations. It will still be grindy but it won’t be as unfair as it is now.

Getting the same III blessing 10 times in a row is not even RNG, it’s just trolling spite nonsense.


I mean they say they are working on a change for it. Technically it’s still a possibility it comes on the 25th since they haven’t officially said anything, but that’s a 0.000001% chance right now.

I would say expect something hopefully in September on this front.

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Yeah I’m just assuming that crafting isn’t in the update on the 25th. My suggestions should be extremely minimal in terms of workload though so could be a nice and easy temporary measure.

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This is implying that FS could ever do something along those lines.

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Fair point :joy:

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There have been tens or hundreds of suggestions for easy to implement temporary measures, since the game was released.
FS have not implemented any of them. They probably won’t start doing it now.

(I don’t think I need to say anything at this point).

i have a hunch that whatever the changes gonna be, the core mechanic isnt gonna change much and instead the treadmill is just gonna spin a bit faster and with little more favorable odds.

instead of selling, scrapping could be such option and in place of the old “reroll until rarity” we gonna see mods that craft and scrap until something of worth gets churned out.

what i’d like to see would undo crafting as a whole with preselected parts on weapon (yep, the famous hedge/cod thingie in warhammer universe)

no %stats of nitpicks here and there. weapon class a) slower movement heavier damage class b) 50/50 class c) opposite of a)

little flavors of calibre vs mag size, scope or no etc
and one could concentrate on playing the game rock scissor paper is balanced around.

but… judging from the last 1 1/2 years those are stuff for my figure collection to swap and fit as i please, ingame there’s little chance this comes.
by all means, prove me wrong :joy:

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yes the worst, always expect the worst outcome from FS


That’s not the worst outcome…actually at this point that is the best because it’s all but been confirmed we aren’t getting it on the 25th. Very very unlikely for it to be in August because FS just got back from a vacation and doesn’t do anything for the first couple of weeks. Worst case scenario is December 2024 or 2025 release.

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I’ll take 2025 if it’s at least a meaningful change that adds agency to the players.

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