Martyrdom Keystone

Screenshot 2024-09-29 210923

Screenshot 2024-09-29 213236
Just wondering what general consensus would be if the 7th wound at 1hp could be considered as a stack of Martyrdom. Like a coup de grace.

Would be fine I guess. Likely only active briefly between until death proccing and holy rev kicking in besides rare cases like proccing until death then getting zero healing before it finishes.

Not really worth the Dev resources to implement though for such a low impact buff on a Keystone that very much does not need buffs.


I would agree… it would make until death (alone, without holy revenant) more useful

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Bro how does a talent that stops you dying every 2 minutes have issues with being useful enough?


As I said (but the precision come with an edit) it would make until death more useful WITHOUT picking holy revenant.

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That certainly clarifies a bit but I don’t see a realistic situation where you wouldn’t be taking holy rev for one extra point, nor do I really see a reason to aim for this.


To get a 7th stack if the proposition of the OP would be implemented…
This would mean that also you would need to avoid restoring faith

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Yeah I just don’t see intentionally walking around on 1 HP for 1 extra martyrdom stack as a viable build path but sure :person_shrugging:

Biggest mistake I see with martyrdom users in PUGS is committing too hard to maximising martyrdom stacks then not being able to take the heat.


As he said:

So the 7th wound would be like a battle cry before… the end.

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I hear you, BUT, instead of a short burst of a miniscule additional buff before dying you could instead take holy rev and do more total damage by being on your feet for significantly more of the mission, potentially even stop a wipe with your presence!

So yeah my point stands that I’m not sure this hypothetical new build path has an audience.

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:frowning: sadge oh well, good thoughts. Gives me a reason to drop the dream.

It’s already got an audience from too many in-game martyrs.

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I think I have a build like that.