So looking at some penances and stuff like the last feats of Vets, i always thought there will be some modifiers coming that make penances less “annoying” or let the difference between “Ogryns, Gunners etc.” shine.
That said i would like to see:
“Big Boys”
A modifier that will spawn way more Ogryns, which will tweak some things, makes more use of different weapons / feats and also allows Ogryns to finish their penance without the need of kiting 2-3 Ogryns through the map.
“Shooting-range” and “Vermintide-style”
The first would be more a shooting scenario, which means way more range units appear. Meanwhile the 2nd would be a “melee only” scenario, without and range units.
This should be tweaked so players can and will have 2 range weapons in the 1st and 2 melee weapons with the 2nd modifier they can choose.
(With all the tweaks needed, maybe bring it as some form of event with some extra rewards like skins for either range or melee weapons, maybe based on V2´s?!)
Less supplies
Like it already says… less medpacks, less ammunition.
This one could spawn more bosses within a mission, maybe even 2 at once, but their life is cutted in half. This could be a bit more funny, offer some sort of new challenge, let boss weapons shine and helps Psyker to get ride of that stupid penance where your team have to afk for 3 minutes.
Nurgle infested
This would be a modifier that comes with more enemies corrupting your health. Also the map could be tweaked to have the slime of the beast of nurgle everywhere, so movement is more restricted.
Again a bit more of a challenge while making more use of “anti-corruption-curios”.
Just some ideas to make more use of different stuff or to make penances less of a chore that have a negative impact on the gameplay.
Also some of the “more spawns from enemy-type X” or more / less horde modifiers could be combined with night / fog-maps to keep stuff more interesting.
Also modifiers should appear always randomly, not just 1 of them at the weekend.