Considering several of those actually made it into the game, and we’re prob going get a content update next, i think its a good idea to vomit out some ideas at fatshark again and maybe we’ll see some of them being adopted.
Here are some of my bad ideas :
-Timed mission
we already have rolling steel, why not make an auric normal mission timed?
The time should either be tied to a spreading corruption behind us that deals damage to us (ala bubble in battle royale games)
Or nurgle pimples around the map, when you pop a pimple you get additional time. If you fail to pop them in time, its game over.
-Nurgle children (shamelessly plagiarizing from vermintide 2 CW)
There is a high number of nurgle eggs around the map with a timer. If you dont destroy it before the timer ends a monstrosity spawns from it.
-Improved drugs
Every maniac in the map has improved speed, damage and health, but the player stims are also more effective and spawn more often.
-Explosive diarrhea
Every special/disabler now explodes in a toxic mist, the mist is 50% smaller and lasts 50% less then normal tox gas.
-Viral infections
Enemy melee attacks now deal damage over time
-The shakes
The players have 100% increased ranged weapon sway and spread, but 15-30% ? increased melee attack speed and ranged fire speed.
-Hardened skin
Nurgle has blessed the enemy with hardened skin, they take far less body damage, but slightly more weakspot damage
Enemy units have a 5-15% chance to resurrect 3-5 seconds after dying
I want to have corrupted levels with tentacles barring our path that we need to force into retreat before we can move forward.
Having areas that are flooded with waste high refuse that you cannot sprint or dodge well in that maybe deals a little corruption. Would have to I pact things like charging mutants as well.
I’d love to see infighting between the loyalist and traitor mobians. Would be cool to see the a group of mobians getting obliterated by a flesh bag as we enter an area. There’s not enough eating going on imo.
I was actually thinking of the exact same thing, but couldnt think of any way to implement it that would make sense. In vermintide it works because its tzeentch.
The only thing i see happening is nurglings erupting from defeated enemies but that would require a new asset (nurgling enemies) and considering how simple and half-assed the modifiers in darktide are, i do not see it happening.
Thats why all of my ideas are mostly simple stat based changes (except nurgle eggs) and things that already exist in the game.
I would absolutely love to see it but sadly extremely doubt it’ll happen.
Chaos wastes are not nurgle only land, its a playground of all 4 chaos gods tightly packed and neighboring eachother or all 4 being present in 1 place (chaos undivided).
Another chaos gods presence in atoma would mean we’re not against nurgle but chaos undivided which would have pretty big story implications. Also Tzeentch HATES nurgle so i guess it could also be a “competing for territory” kind of deal too, i donno.
BUT i totally would love to fight against all 4 chaos gods but i doubt it’ll happen. Most people think the next enemy we’ll see is going to be gene stealers. I’d be fine with either.
Man I wish I-II and V-E-G would still constantly spawn full hp bosses. That were the best times. I remember doing ascension riser as a 3 man, with the best ogryn I every played with. We got double green chaos spawns with full hp on the elevator… TWICE!
I am also not a fan of timed missions, where you simply run on a timer and you fail, when it runs out.
However, timed missions with an expanding gas zone pushing you forward, would not seem too bad tbh.
You would have a feeling of how good your pace is, at any point in time.
And you would not always fail after the max duration is over.
You would fail, when ever your pace is too slow, at any point during the mission.
heard a pretty good naration from baldermort while painting my figures where a nurgle possessed host popped from bloatflies and along came other daemon spawns.
one out of 100 poxwalkers could have the chance of infection serving as a spawning vat for bigger frey.
lets get that nurgle rot dialed up a bit, we contain it for 2 years already
Those 2 are very different experiences.
with endless horde people move at snails pace without trying to move forward that much and there are no breaks. (unless you’ve a good team that knows what it is doing)
A timed mission would have you constantly moving forward as fast as possible.
We’ve seen in rolling steel that it didnt really work that well but thats because people are very new at this and also the map itself was not very well optimized for infinite hordes and some specials that showed up (tox gas…)
So basically auric non rolling steel timed missions would be alot easier since normal maps do not have infinite hordes.
What i want is this : Rush forward, clear a room, rush to next objective, no lollygagging or looking for mats or waiting for specials/disablers to show their face etc etc.
Obviously i dont expect everyone to like it. I myself absolutely FU%#^NG HATE ventilation purge and lights out, but know others like it.
I would like some more map-changing conditions like PS and VP (And Pox Gas). I enjoy when a map’s visuals change, it makes the map feel fresh again.
So like, maps that are flooded, frozen over, or mirrored. Also, Hourglass variants of PS and VP where it’s nighttime or sandstormy.
(As an aside, the best parts of PS (lights out) is when they leave a few lights still on and areas that were once nigh fullbright become moody. I wouldn’t mind if they did another lighting pass on the PS maps to add more moody lights)