Many Ogryn toughness replenishment related talents not working

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Quite a few of the talents related to toughness replenishment for Ogryn do not work in game. That or they were stealth changed with no patch notes to now only work with coherency team regen, and tooltip ingame is out of date as it currently states “Toughness Replenished” period. So it should cover any toughness replenished through any means.
The talents in question are Lynchpin, Stay CLose!, Feel No pain, and Toughest!. They do not increase the amount of toughness replenished through the means of kills or from the Talents The Best Defence, or Smash 'Em, where you get 20% toughness back on heavy strikes. They dont seem to work at all from my point of view, not even helping with team coherency regen, but I havent fully tested that aspect of it.

I dont know how many patches ago it was when this either broke from a bug, or was stealth changed, but the 4 talents listed previously use to increase the amount of toughness replenished from kills and from the talents 'The Best Defence, or Smash ‘Em.’ This is no longer the case.

See attached video.
In the video im running all listed talents and have a base toughness of 110. A base heavy Strike gives me a base 22 toughness from the 20% regen from “The Best Defence”. I dont have lynchpin active as im to far from my teammates, but the Aura 'Stay close!" is still active and I have 5 stacks of the keystone “Feel No Pain” along with the corresponding talent Toughest. Both “Stay Close” and 5 stacks of “Feel No Pain with Toughest!” should be giving me 25% more toughness replenished each. Doing the math, if the calculation is additive then each one should boost my base 22 toughness gain per strike by 5.5. In total each heavy strike should be giving me 33 toughness back. Yet if you watch, I only get the 22 base toughness. Indicating that the talents are not working. If the calculation was multiplicative then it would be 22 x 1.25 x 1.25 which still be 34.375 toughness.

You can also see I get 1 kill during the strikes which quickly gives me 5 toughness before giving me the additional 22 from the talent. The 5 is still just the base 5% that Ogryn gets innate on kills. If the talents worked on kills, then my kill should have given me 8.25 toughness or 8.7 toughness, additive or multiplicative respectively.

Overall this shows these talents are bugged and not working at all.

Please look into fixing this!

Edit: Must have rushed the math, I just noticed the video shows i get 7 toughness back from a kill which doesnt add up to the 8 to 9 (depending on rounding) it should be giving. The fact that it only gave 7 implies that only either the aura or the Keystone was modifying it. So one of them is still broken outright. But this still doesnt change that bug that it use to work in combination with 'The Best Defence, or Smash ‘Em.’ but no longer does.

Steps to Reproduce (Required):

  1. Play Ogryn
  2. use the talents ‘The best Defence’, ‘Lynchpin’, ‘Stay Close!’, ‘Feel No pain’, ‘Toughest!’
  3. Notice in game you are only getting the 20% toughness replenished from The Best Defence when you hit multiple enemies,
    even though the other 4 talents should be modifying the toughness replenished to give you more than just the base 20%.

[PC] Do You Use Mods? (Optional):

Yes, and I’ve tried disabling them

Reproduction Rate (Required):

Constant (100%)

Platform (Required):

PC - Steam

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Putting this here too in case you missed it. Are +#% toughness replenishment talents working properly?


All these talents work only on toughness regen from being in coherency.


That isnt fully true, if you read my edit you can see that one of the talents is indeed actually boosting the toughness replenishment % from kills, Ill need to go test which one later, but thats aside from the point that these use to work in combination with the The Best Defence and Smash 'Em talents and that was silently removed it seems, probably in the same patch where they nerfed The Best Defence, or Smash 'Em to 20% instead of 25%. They need to update the tooltip to state that it is only coherency regen, not broadly stating “toughness replenishment” implying all forms of it

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No talents, 5% toughness per kill

Feel No Pain and Toughest, 5% toughness per kill

In the code these talents have function “toughness_regen_rate_modifier”

but talents which increase toughness replenishment from any sources like veteran’s “Tunnel Vision” have “toughness_replenish_modifier” function.


So it must be the stay close aura that effects toughness replenishment on kill as well then. In my video you can clearly see i got 7 back from the kill when 5% should have only given me 5 or 6 if it rounds up from a .5, Either way they need to change the tooltip to update their change as its very misleading

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Stay Close works the same as Feel No Pain coherency regen and you also was out of coherency so I don’t think it increased toughness from kill.

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Which change(s) exactly?
Those 4 you listed always only worked for coherency regen afaik, even the thread I linked in Oct discussed it.

You can do a quick global search for the keyword “toughness_regen_rate_modifier” as @Mitradraug pointed out, you’ll see stuff stick out like a sore thumb.

P.S. Even in-game, putting those 4 talents on one at a time I don’t see any additional % tuf being replenished. Remember it’s % on replenishment from kills (skip talents for test) so each node that adds flat tuf changes the total and the amount of tuf being replenished, 5% of 100 =5, 5% of 200=10.

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Hello! This is confusing - it confuses me too. As others have said, it impacts Coherency Toughness regen. The tooltips are not particularly clear and need some TLC (I’ve brought this up as an issue).

Generally, if it’s not linked to a specific action (e.g. you do X, you replenish Y Toughness), it’s only a bonus to the Toughness regen from Coherency.


Thank you for the formal response, Yeah I think we all can agree some of the tooltip information is a bit unclear to say the least, but thank you for clearing up the issue!

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