An Ogryn Realization

Not sure if this has been stated in a variety of ‘Ogryn bad please help’ posts, but given the announcement today, I ran around on my Ogryn, and realized something that I think compounds all the other issues and is one of the major reasons a good number of individuals have found him to be so lack luster, even pushing past all the recent nerfs making him feel drastically more squishy.

The Ogryn has no innate toughness regen.

I mean, I think what they wanted as the ‘fantasy’ was for toughness replenishment to be their ‘innate regen’, but ohh boy is 2-5 flat toughness a second really NOT gonna matter in the grand scheme of things in this game. And I noticed unlike every other class, they don’t have ‘gain X toughness for free’ buttons.

Don’t think I should get in depth entirely as it’s unwarranted, but just to say a few examples, every other class has at least one ability that generates toughness for you. Psyker and Zealot even have talent nodes that explicitly give toughness for simply doing actions, not even killing anything (though they have that too). And Veteran, while not having so, has a talent that gives him passive regen over a period of time after nabbing an elite or specialist kill, supplementing the lack of ‘existing making him tougher’ while ALSO getting a buffed flat amount for kills in general if they so choose, keeping them in the fight even when there is a lul or a lapse in enemies directly on you (an I already mentioned the CB for dire situations).

But the Ogryn gets none of that, none at all. He gets 3 talents, for hitting one thing hard, hitting many thing hard, and bracing his weapon. EVERY OTHER talent on his tree will not give him toughness, the only other thing coming close is a KEYSTONE UPGRADE that doubles the amount he gets for melee kills. Something that, like 2 out of the 3 talents already, requires him to be in the wave!

And unlike ‘the tinies’ around him, his CB’s don’t give him a flat amount of toughness on activation. One gives him toughness ONLY IF YOU UPGRADE IT and ONLY PER ENEMY HIT, and the other ALSO requires and upgrade and requires you to expend ammo at a rapid rate to see livable returns. And lets not forget, the ability in the middle, the one that literally screams at everything in a radius to hit you?

Yeah, that gives no toughness at all! It doesn’t even give DR! It just micro stuns everything, and then lets you get pounded.

This is just something I noticed really that I think is what makes the Ogryn feel so deeply reliant on their team, unlike the rest of the classes, who get bolstered by their team but can function on their own. Having absolutely no ability to regenerate toughness outside of hitting things makes the Ogryn feel more feast or famine than even the Psyker at this point, as you’re either in the wave, hitting enemies, not getting targeted by specials, thriving. Or getting immobilized and dying instantly, dumping all your ammo to stay alive and sobbing, or charging to far out of position because if you aren’t hitting the enemy, you aren’t getting your toughness back, and those gunners are just ripping you to shreds so you kinda have to deal with them somehow.

It always feels like a ‘mitigation game’ with Ogryn’s because of this, at least to me. You’re never trying to maximize your combat potential, you’re trying to minimize as much of your weaknesses as you can to try and function, and hugging your team like a life line in hopes they’ll make up the difference. I’m sure there are many Ogryn mains who will come in here and say ‘I always feel fantastic on my Ogryn and you should do THIS exact build that provides maximum mitigation and feels good’, but that’s kinda also what I’m getting at as well.

The Ogryn feels limiting, the other classes feel…the opposite of that XD. With Ogryn, due to a lack of these tools, makes every nerf hit that much harder, makes every change feel that much more impactful. Because they rely so heavily on these hyper specific set ups to just, do enough to not fall over, and the constant hammer keeps making that harder and harder to do, while also making it feel that much less ‘fun’ to really try and do it.

As you aren’t experimenting to maximize a loudout, you’re just doing everything you can to stay alive, and I think that isn’t great.

SO…honestly, gonna see what they do with the ‘talent moving’, see if they do anything more than that (hopefully), but, to just slap some ‘idea’s’ here for the sake of doing so/to make this proper ‘feedback’:

  • Charge could give 50% toughness on activation, and up to 50% more upon hitting enemies (maybe drop the ‘per enemy hit’ upgrade down to 5% to compensate).

  • Taunt I honestly feel should give golden toughness on cast to JUST the Ogryn (probably 50 like shout), but in loo of doing that, this ability getting the toughness on hit as well and being able to full refresh when taunting a horde just feels like it should have been there from the start.

  • Barrage I feel is the most fine of the three/works well with the buffed braced talent, only thing for me would be maybe pulling a mag from thin air if it’s activated while ammo’s dry? I know that might lean into automatic weaponsa bit to much, but it just feels terrible having to be such an ammo hog with this active, and getting 12% toughnesss for 1 shot weapons that have less of an ammo problem while guaranteeing at least a refresh for mag dump ones that tend to run dry just feels right, especially since it auto reloads. Could even make it an offshoot upgrade, so it at least consumes a talent but makes the long CD make sense. Call it ‘my lucky mag’ or something.

WElp, I tried, seems people are quite happy with his languishing state, though I could have surmised that given the responses to other threads. Doesn’t effect me much though, quite happy with the other 3 classes and their extensive amount of build variety. If Ogryns are happy to sit on their 2 builds that barely help the team as much as half a build on Zealot can do, then by alll means. Happy to carry the big men, regardless of the fact they can’t carry themselves.

You do know that with CDR on stagger talent you can almost have no CD on Taunt, like probably 4 seconds or something, right?

People who say that ogryn is bad are just bad at movement and building even in such game like DT, god forbid they touch something like PoE.

Ogryn doesn’t need innate toughness regen, he can recover full toughness with a few hits. And when you can do this your max pool doesn’t matter. Because while toughness at 100% you loose no HP, so just keep it full a.k.a. spam heavies.

With x3 HP he has like 480 HP overall, combine it with all toughness on heavy hits talents and spamming slide that makes you invulnerable (or almost) to shots. And you have ogryn that can’t die. Only from trapper+flamer combo.

There is nothing really ro relise. You just stack stats that scales the best - in case with ogryn it’s HP and learn how slide works.


i think i found the “issue” there.
for ages now i run a talent spec that focuses especially on my damage output and make the best of what offensive skills i got.

why? cause i dont even take a team into consideration when its about my performance.

its a team based game true, still my default status is : team fks up i need to do the best with that situation.

so what keeps me going? killing stuff fast.
and by doing that as a default playstyle i never want for toughness besides a situation that either is fubar or i fkked up getting dogged or trapped.

then toughness dont matter either way.

i dont stay near my team for toughness regen purpose, i remain close to not get singled out when opportune but the moment theres a gaugable engagement i take action.

i dont “react”.

jump into the thickest cluster, kill em quick and my toughness high.

dont depend on the vet to clear these shooters for you, they wont

dont depend on psykers to shield or stun every crowd of crushers, they wont

dont depend on the zealot to kill elites faster than you, they wont.

what they will do all the time though is doing parts that dont build the whole picture, i merely use that parts to shape the full thing if that makes sense.

reason why i feel like fish in water with ogryn is doing the things i want done right myself (the obvious slip ups like dog/net on occasion aside)

i can see that passive gameplay hurts ogryn a lot, hence i hate stubber/ranged spec for it feels so stationary.

but if i flow around each encounter and shape it best as possible, i can endure in situations everyone else falters or pops his invis-get out of jail free card.

you found secret ogryn technique of the " meaty fist" use wisely lo wang :shinto_shrine:

but yes 579 health here and toughness in “normal” encounters above 60% all the time.

before they chip me enough they die of old age

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Honestly that node should be replaced, maybe exactly with replenish 50% toughness when you taunt.
Right now, without the 25% DMG increase modifier taunt is quite useless.

Taunt is OP second to VoC. You can just spam it and teammates don’t need to risk anything just providing damage. It’s meh only with zero dps build teammates. On top of that it turns off ranged enemies.

It’s especially strong on conditions like only scabs+mostly melee, probably stronger than smyker, or at doing twins on hard mode.

Nobody does.

You have a dodge key, even as ogryn. Use it. Ogryn also has an innate 36% TDR, on top of multiple nodes to increase it further, along with having confident strike (ogryn unique blessing) which can increase your survivability an insane amount if you’re feeling that squishy.

This is just an issue with how basic and pared down Ogryn’s skill tree is in general, not an issue with ogryn’s survivability.

To be blunt I’m going to do the opposite of what you’re saying:

Not an ogryn main (or anything main, really. I play everything pretty evenly at this point) nor am I going to suggest a specific build. This genuinely just sounds like you’re expecting to be able to just facetank things as him. You still need to avoid damage. Even then, I can typically be incredibly lazy when playing ogryn about avoiding stuff in comparison to other classes with how I just constantly crap out toughness left and right.

Your biggest enemy as ogryn are your teammates, not the enemies. Nothing makes me saltier than feeding on a horde and watching a psyker/veteran (who I know has an auto gun/brain burst/revolver/whatever) sit there meleeing it and/or shooting it while I’m intentionally soaking ranged fire for them and feeding off of the toughness I’m generating.


Steady grip is 8%, easily the best passive toughness regen in the game. You gonna be using kekback anyhow, might as well grab it for free toppings.


urgent correction

it seems false informations have been made public

its 549 health sah, ogryns sincerest apologies

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