Make throiwing grims a votable action

And make it 3 out of 4 to say yes, to accept action. So trolls won’t pick and trow grims makin mission worthless.
Also give player who trew grim reward quality reduction, for the next mission.

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Non issue.
Have never seen this happen in hundreds of hours.

Can be annoying when it happens, but it basically never happens.


Add vote to attack demonhost
Add vote to use med and ammo crate
Add vote to take ammo and nades
Add vote, add vote, add vote

No need. was fine in both Vermintide games, and fine here.


And then proceed to see how team wipes because 1 person who can’t play get downed and other 1-2 going to save him and die as well. Let’s make picking up grim a votable option 4/4. But anyway it’s all stupid.

roll out the grim weekly and never have to worry about it again.

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I just like the animation

Is this a god-damned democracy?!

^ There’s no real point to the book collecting weeklies anymore as you can get Melk Money for collecting Plasteel and Diamantine.

You can always pick 'em up for boosting end reward a.k.a. Emprah’s Grift.
Grims can be tough on some groups, even one though.


then you wouldn’t care if there was a vote to do it every hundred games

it’s a good idea

Let’s say you ahve a clutch moment.
You have a grim, but you need to pick up a medpack to use it, because you are at low hp.

Would you want to wait for all 3 others to allow you to drop the grim?
Or would it be better if you could just make the decision and yeet it away?

Non issue.
Have never seen this happen in hundreds of hours.

Can be annoying when it happens, but it basically never happens.

So we have two rare scenarios.

Yours and mine.

In your scenario, you can vote to force a player to keep the grim on them, which might grant everyone in the party a small bonus reward and 1 progress on their book weekly.

In my scenario, the party wipes because of the vote.

The “benefit” of having such a voting option is not worth the downside.

rare? people throwing away grims is a common complaint. I’ve seen it happen a few times in my hundreds of hours. I’ve never had to ditch one for a health kit.

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Your experience seems to be different than mine.

I do not remember ever having seen anyone just throw away a grim.
Having a last man standing is not very rare though.
I have been the last one standing plenty of times, myself.

Thing is, i always try to be carrying a medpack, because i expect that i will make the best use of it, and that i will be the last one standing if sheet goes down.
If i instead usually carried a grim, there would have been many times that i would have thrown it away to save a run.

I am not denying that some people might throw away grims for no reason.
I just think that this happens so rarely, that having a vote function to force a player to keep carrying a grim, would overall be a net negative.
I think that it is generally not a good idea to have a vote to decide what a player can or can not do during a mission.

I’ve only been in one game where I had an issue with someone crying about grims. The player whined that grims are bad because they mean we can’t carry medkits, then later in the run they let me fall off an edge just so we’d lose the grim.

The best part is that this was a low-int malice run full of kitted 30’s.

Hmm. Make the grim go inside of a Team Inventory area that you can see when you hold the Tab key (the area where it shows the map name, difficulty, modifiers, etc.). Allow people to vote on whether to delete the grim by majority whenever they want.

Now people aren’t prohibited from clutching, you still have the grim curse health handicap for risk vs reward, and people have their IRL time saved from potential trolls/noobs. If one to two people being able to carry meds and ammo crates again is “making the game too easy” then we can increase the HP penalty of the grims some more. You also still have access to Grim Resistance on Trinkets as it is. I think this compromise is friendlier to pubs, vets who could hard carry anyways, and premades who run grim-trinket/weekly farms on the side.

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Grims, tomes etc. We are back to the conversations from VT2.

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