m6 staff + surge + warp nexus + scriers + channeled force + empyric shock. i went with warp siphon for the huge - peril generation. with this setup i’m oneshotting most elites and specials. its insane lol, not a meme i swears. i’m sitting at 85% crit chance with high peril. try it out dudes. trust
m6 staff?
He’s probably refering to “Nomanus Mk VI Surge Force Staff”
Yeah it’d have to be Surge to get crit chance that high.
can one shot both ragers in the head, or 2 shot ragers + mauler in the body. everything else is 1-2 body shots. not great against ogyrns. haven’t tested against bosses but i’m guessing its not great against them either
Do you mean empyric resolve?
Regardless, I’ve always loved surge staff. While it’s somewhat fire and forget, there’s a lot of mindgames involved on when to do what, always a good time in my eyes. 11/10 highly recommend to everyone.
Yeah, I tested that quickly in the lab yesterday. That’s still a bit of a meme. Other additions tho…Well, we called it.
its actually called empyric shock my bad. edited OP
High Capacity assault staff, shoots like 10,000 clips per minute.
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