Lucius Helbore Lasguns need a damage buff

My point wasn’t about conceptual feasibility, but about balance relative to the game’s identity and genre.

I don’t take issue with your point that this isn’t Tarkov and we shouldn’t really except that level of complexity, but looking at some other weapons like the Shotgun’s alternate fire mode or the Plasma gun mechanics as a whole having a Fire Mode switch on Lasgun isn’t too much to ask for.


Bayonet Infantry Lasgun :drooling_face:

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Or release a weapon modification feature in Darktide :wink:

Can’t believe one guy could do (I think here to the weapon modification mod) what a team of programmers could not… or they need hiring programmers.

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It’s not what they could not do. From my understanding the weapon customization mod was backpacked off of a lot of pre existing stuff already in the game.

It’s what they WON’T do.

This is a vitally important difference. And to me there are 2 reasons why they haven’t done it. One is that they don’t think it would fit the game or their vision of the game. This is what they told us it is.

The second is much more malicious but equally as probable, in that they don’t want you to be able to customize your weapons so they can sell you stuff in the cash shop. I am personally very worried it is this second one as that means we will not get any improvments in this department EVER.


For me the reason I never use it is the animation when you pull it out, it just makes it completely useless for quick shots. You pull it out, then there is the animation, then you have to charge it, it takes way too long. It also makes no sense on a lasgun lol

I prefer using the revolver.

The swap time feels so gratuitous when it already needs charged headshots (and in some cases crits) to really feel impactful at all. It should be sped up a bit. And optics obviously change this gun too much for me to advocate for that glaring omission from the game to not be completed. But it was blessed with a larger ray cast than the other lasguns for easier head shots (because it needs it the irons are trash).

But in general it is good, minus Mk2 as seen above…its so bad Fat Shark forgot to fix it with the rest of the las guns, and your guy still sways side to side aiming it like he’s on LSD.

well to be fair the las rifle pre dates the imperium to, and is commonly reffered to as the flashlight due to its inability to deal with armour. not sure its the best appeal to lore out there,
the revolver vs bolter isue is real enough the bolter needs some love. the revolver is clearly in a very good space. you see it a LOT right now, its probaly the king of scoreboards and kill streams im not sure its OP , perhaps a nudge to increase reload speed could help.

Inb4 we get recon and helbore skins for 1.4k aquilas that have a reflex sight attached(like the infantry one). Not that I hope it happens, but I wouldnt put it past FS at this point


Probably increase the reload speed and lower the damage even a little bit. Make it actually function as a sidearm. My main issue with the Helbore is that the default Infantry Lasgun absolutely throttles it, and it shouldn’t. The Helbores should function as the Sniper variants of Lasgun until at least Fatshark adds in something like the Long-Las. The Mk II Helbore should perform like a decent laser SLR at least. However, the DMR (forgot which mk it is) Infantry Lasgun has a higher rate of fire, significantly higher light attack damage and a scope over the Helbore. It’s not fair. I understand higher fire rate, it’s a given but higher damage from a Lasgun over a LASRIFLE?

In fact Bolter is still very strong…
Revolver is great now for zealots. I can be fun for a veteran, but, for this class, it is just an other weapon. For the zealot, this is the right weapon for melee. It is precise and you can land critics that can kill anything pretty fast (2 - max 3 shots - usually only one).
I am not sure Bolter needs love. I have seen vet using it and they were totally fine. I would hate that Bolter become, again, OP. It was boring as hell to see Bolters everywhere… Well, now we see kickback evedrywhere you would say me…
I have used the revolver at patch 13, cause I was happy to see it as a good weapon (mainly cause of Bolter changes).
I actually use columnus infantry gun and sometimes the graia inf one.

I don’t think revolver is OP, mainly cause of the 5 rounds barrel. However, they should not buff it now like… increasing realoding speed. It would make it OP then.

About Helbore… was fan of this weapon at patch 12… at patch 13, I tried and disliked the outcome (a wipe).

Just to clarify, so that it doesn’t seem like I follow an “buff Boltgun agenda”, but is it my favourite weapon.

The boltgun is strong statswise and blessing wise and I wouldn’t buff the weapon in any way. It’s strong as it is now but nobody could sell you on the idea that it’s OP.
Most of the lost strength was due to Veteran-kit changes and all I’d ask is for some of these lost abilities to be returned.

Reloading on ult and X% toughness on ult are the big two that made the old boltgun so insanely good (ability related strength).

The current optimal boltgun setup + marksman modifier + those lost abilities would be a reall, strong meta setup.

The point is: the boltgun doesn’t need changes as it’s fine for zealot as is but on the vet it’s just not what it’s supposed to be.
Being able to reload it with the ult and having easier access to marksman talent would do a lot to make it feel better but nor make it OP.

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Off topic… But i disagree totally and think that they were right to remove this…

It was making it too strong… I really prefer variety over clones…
When I was seeing close to every mission with someone using a bolter, it was for me annoying.
Actually I checked, you find really MORE players using revolvers. However, it is MORE if we compare before patch 13… so if we compare to a time where using revolver in Damnation was seen as crazy (I have got several times people asking me “why revolver in damnation???”).
However, even if we see more players using it, I have seen also lot of infantry gun, lasgun, psyker staff (i have even seen someone using ONLY assail). I have even seen flamer… wait… sorry… it was me :smiley:

I think that there is more variety since patch 13 when we look at what players use. And revolver is not seen at every mission, we are far away of this…

Actually, what we can see a lot? Ogryn kickback everywhere. Strange… I wonder why.

Personally, a change I would like to see is that they remove the long ass switching animation.
Flipping that lever each time you take out the gun is irritating and I doubt it adds much to the balance of the weapon.
(Is it even still there? Haven’t played in a while)

If you must keep the animation, make it cooler and only play it once at the start of the mission. To invoke that “Let’s rock & roll” feeling.


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Oh its still there and still chewing up valuable seconds every time you have to swap to your melee weapon or a grenade and back.

The Lucius should have been exactly as it’s described in the 40k sources. Very high damage, slow rate of fire, long range, but limited magazine size. Perfect for popping the head of an elite but not a good choice if you have several targets at close rrange. Viola a balanced wweapon that fits the setting perfectly.

Bu FatShark is on an ego trip. So instead we get a silly 90s shooter mechanic wrapped in a skin looted from 40k books. All so some developer can pat himself on the back for creating something.

Ego. Its going to be the literal death of this studio.


Like I’ve said before, they should just use the charged stats as the base stats and adjust fire rate to reflect the old charge time. The mk3 would hit for around 450 damage with good armor penetration, but would have very low fire rate and ammo efficiency. The draw animation need to be shorter and charge system needs to go. The addition of an optic like that on the kantrael lasgun is also needed at least.


I really want them to do this. Please Fatshark!


Problem is that there is a talent that permits you to not consume any ammo when landing a critic…
And surgical strike blessing is actually stronnnnnngggg… I evn think it should ne nerfed a little

This. I’m so tired of having to flick the switch on my Helbore every time that I swap to it. It’s cool for the first time as you said, but not when you need to switch to it right here and now, also as you said. I feel like a gun safety instructor being like “always remember to turn your safety back on before holstering” like COME ON.


Shock-Troop (aforementioned perk’s name, for anyone else who’s curious) doesn’t actually work for me. I went into the Meat Grinder and found that my Helbore still consumed ammo normally on critical hits, so I had to swap it out for something else.