Low fps and stuttering!

Please be aware that we will monitor all submissions in Performance Feedback, however, we will only respond if additional information is required.

Issue Description:
[Please include your minimum and maximum FPS, and think about when your performance is at it’s worst - is it during any particular event or location? (Please include a screenshot if your issue is location-based)]

It seems that everytime the game is updated my frames drop more and more! FPS range now from 20-70 even 80-90 sometimes! Certain places makes the fps drop to 20 maybe even lower!

Attempted Solutions:
[Have you made any changes to your PC or Darktide’s ‘Video’ options in an attempt to improve your performance? Please see our common solutions in the pinned Topic]

I’ve done everything I can, installing reinstalling drivers, game etc! Tweaking this and that option but nothing helps.
Even when changing video options and lowering settings I get the same fps…

[Steam/Microsoft Store/Xbox]


[PC] PC Specifications:

Windows 11
AMD Ryzen 7 2700X.
RTX 2080 with updated drivers.
16Gb Ram.

[PC] Upload Console Log & darktide_launcher.log:
[Instructions: How To Provide a Crash Report, Console Log, or darktide_launcher.log]

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