Looking for a Darktide guide that explains what the stats on items do and their impact on the character. Can anyone point me in the right direction
Looking for a Darktide guide that explains what the stats on items do and their impact on the character. Can anyone point me in the right direction
Check steam guides, someone already made one.
Much Respect to combine
This info should be “IN” the game. I have seen some guides on steam, and while helpful I have seen mistakes in some of them. They will revise them sure, but this is the responsibility of the games producer to define what everything means “IN” game. Without a clear
For instance there is one Penance category where it tells me to kill “Terrors” and has an icon with two monster heads on it. My progress is 0/3 on this. Directly below this it has a different Penance that tells me I have to kill “Terrors” but has a crowd of monsters on it and I had something like several thousand logged. There is no where in the game that defines what an enemy IS in regards to these labels. It also seems that each enemy can have a few of these labels or tags but they do not appear in the Meat Grinder above them to help, only what armor is effecting the damage.
All of it needs to be in the game. Expecting the player community to put in the work to explain in game mechanics is just bad form. Especially when a game like Darktide where the game play looks simple on the surface.
Look up Jsat on youtube. Very informative videos.