LOOK FS someone did the work for you

problem is it doesnt differentiate between good and bad kills , doesnt represent or promote teamplay.

as some folk just want the epeen thing and it does clearly matter to em have an opt in thing, then it can show them like football highlights, trash killed elites killed. all that could have explosion and stuff going offf in the background rousing music and maybe let em record an audio loop of thier mums saying how pround they are or something,

i mean dont include how many times there kills dropped the psykers stacks off or each time thier grenades screwed up the oggies confident strikes chain , keep it to big numbers and explosions!


I’d honestly just be content with kills/assists listing with a specialists/damage dealt stat. Everything else is superfluous.

This mockup is bloody awful. It’s cluttered, obtuse and filled with unnecessary information for the sole purpose of what? Claiming you’re better than your PUG members or shaming “underperformers”?

Nah, thanks. I’d rather have nothing than this. Which is fine, because I’m pretty sure that’s what we’ll end up with.


Tweak fonts, tables, remove some useless data, and voila, we have an excellent battle description, which immediately shows who is the daddy, and who should think about the build, game strategy, etc. Of course, we are not talking about Ogrins or Psykers, which special builds are designed to support the team.

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There is way to much in that.

Best option would be an end round screen displaying player specific stats:
The Over all killed window we have now. followed by 4 blocks with one filled

  • Killed enemies(what enemies) in numbers

  • Dmg(direct)(bleed)(crit) dealt in numbers

  • Shots/hits ratio

  • dmg taken/blocked in numbers

  • disabled(trapper,hound,mutant…) X-times

  • downed X-times (cause)

  • Killed X-times (cause)

  • Teammates rescued from disabler X-times

  • Teammates picked up X-times

  • Teammates freed X-times

  • picked up ammo small/big/Box charge

  • used Health charge Station/med kit

  • healed by ability(zealot) in numbers

  • picked up plasteel/diamanten

  • picked up script/grim/

Score board stays on screen until ‘‘Space bar’’ is hold down even when already at the morning star.

And a check box in the down right corner to accept to ‘‘SHARE’’ these stats with every other Teammate, who ALSO clicked on ‘‘SHARE’’.!!!

Players who do not wish to have others see their stats, do not need to share it. Those who want to can. Win Win for all of us.

Tbh if we go the private route and atleast be like “self-improvement”, the only stats that actually matter is damage done filtered in the categories:

  • Overall damage
  • Raw damage
  • Melee damage
    — bleed / soulblaze / burning - damage caused by melee hits separated
    — melee crit hits and damage separated
  • Ranged damage
    — bleed / soulblaze / burning - damage caused by range hits separated
    — ranged crit hit and damage separated
    — headshots

Those are the only stats that actually matter if you want to try builds and they are less effected by RNG or afking since it´ll show how good / bad alternative damage-sources are.
They could also show some average number based on the overall damage or kills made, so you can even compare them by 20 or 40 minutes runs.

The rest is pretty much obvious or clearly based on the playstyle like “how many times blocked”, “how much damage taken”, “how often have i died”. Being Nr. 1 on “enemies killed” is easy with a flamer so… Picked up books / materials is absolute worthless and behind conditions or luck anyway. Same counts for the use of medkits or ammoboxes… sometimes you´ve more than you need so you place them even for 3 health, other times it´s bad luck etc…
Pointless stats and i seriously don´t see any need to put too much efford into such a scoreboard.

$2 has been deposited in your shill account.

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Thats why we need scoreboard, so people will see in numbers what builds, weapons etc is broken op or need buff. We need some metrics for feedback too.

pretty sure not a priority.

All this time of playing Darktide i didnt even have a single friend invite or added anyone, cause no one knows how the other did and who did well , and who played part of the team and who was toxic.

idk just enemies killed would be the only stat I would look at

Thank you but I’d rather get stability/crafting rework/missions/weapon… than a End of mission scoreboard


They’re right its not a priority what matters more now is crafting, and new content, and bug fixes.

Nothing is a priority to them.

It is not that hard to understand.

  • I do not want to go to a restaurant, because it does not offer the food that i like.


  • I do not want to go to a restaurant, although it offers the food i like, because it also offers something that i do not like, but others do.

One makes sense, one does not.
Same applies to scoreboard.


Team score , offensive and defense pairs nice with penances . great idea!

Can get rid of the “score” system and perhaps collapse much of it into expandable areas for more specifics on a certain stat. But of course 10000x better than having no scoreboard at all lol

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I mean, if it was diverting effort to a scoreboard or other qol fixes, I’d choose the latter.

I would personaly enjoy a proper score board. 1+

Now that fatshark made their statement about modding.

I can tell you that this is in fact a functional mod. No photoshop.
Most of the stuff on the scoreboard is working, if not entirely accurate yet.

But I have to rewrite it to make it work with the latest darktide modding framework. XO
Darktide modding framework and other stuff should be coming to nexus mods soon or mod.io possibly.
The ditribution platform is not decided yet.


Look what i found in the wild.

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holy moly, this is what i looked for. want that for sure!

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